Angel Part 8

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Kelly jumped out of the squad truck to hear high-pitched screams coming from inside of the firehouse. He shoved off his gear and ran inside to see everyone crowded around the child on the floor. Kelly put his hand to his head as it started to ache due to the noise. Stella, who was sitting on the floor next to Addy, looking exhausted, looked at Kelly, "She's been at this for the past hour, I have no idea what to do". Kelly picked up the child and carried her away to his office while she kicked and screamed. The rest of the team listened as the shouts got quieter, Brett rubbed her head and Gabby went to get more coffee, "How can a child that small make so much noise," Casey complained.

In the Severide's office, he sat the child on the bed and crouched down beside her. "Babygirl, please stop," he told her. The girl looked at her dad with puffy, red eyes. "What's wrong sweetheart?" he asked and Addison just leaned and hugged her dad. He picked her up and tucked her into the bed, where he stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

Gabby walked into the room a few hours later to see Addy at the desk drawing, "That's a beautiful picture Addy, who did you draw?" She proudly showed Gabby her picture, which consisted of a group of people at the firehouse and a blonde lady with wings in the air above. "Who's this?" she asked, pointing at the figure. "It's Shay, she's an angel now, with wings, up there," she pointed to the sky and waved. Gabby squeezed the girl, "Let's show the other and put it on the fridge," Addy nodded and she skipped out, holding Gabby's hand.

*Author note- Sorry for the short chapter, keep commenting new ideas, it really helps me. Enjoy the chapter xoxo

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