Sick Part 21

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"Mommy can I get some candy?" Addy asked pointing at the lollipop on the chemists counter, "No baby it will spoil your dinner," Stella replied searching the shelves, Addy gave up and went to stand by Stella, "What are you looking for?" she asked curiously and began to grab at random items. "Put that back, I'm looking for a test," Stella replied, grabbing the box out of the girl's hand and placing it back on the shelf. "What kind of test?" Addy questioned and found some pink butterfly hair clips. "It's nothing, Addy I said stop touching stuff," Stella answered annoyed. "But they'll go with my new dress," Addy pleaded and did puppy dog eyes at her mom. "If I buy them for you will you be quiet and stop asking questions?" Stella's head had begun to ache and she gave up fighting, Addy nodded and handed them to Stella before sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. Stella rubbed her head, found what she was looking for and grabbed some paracetamol for the headaches she had been getting recently.

When they got back Addy sat at the table and made Kelly clip her new butterfly accessories on her head. "Beautiful," he told her and she started to eat the food set in front of her. "Stells?" Kelly asked walking into her room, "I'm in the bathroom give me a minute," Kelly replied with an ok and walked out thinking nothing of it.

Meanwhile in the bathroom Stella paced up and down, "It's just a stomach bug, it will pass," she said to herself and looked at the timer set on the sink, 1 minute left. The minute felt like an hour and when the timer buzzed Stella sat down on the toilet and took a few deep breaths, she grabbed the stick and looked down.


'No, no, no' Stella thought as she checked the other two tests, they said the same. 'I'm not ready to be a mom, Addy came grown up, I don't know what to do with a baby' she said in her head. "STELLA, FOOD TIME," Kelly shouted from the kitchen. Stella splashed her face with cold water and walked out. "Babe I'm not hungry I think I'm gonna have a nap, last shift was rough," Kelly nodded and blew a kiss to her, Addy copied him and Stella returned to her room to sleep. 

An hour later and Stella woke up feeling sick, she rushed to the toilet where she threw up a couple of times and sat on the bathroom floor in just Kelly's oversized t-shirt. Kelly ran in to see his girlfriend pale and exhausted. "Damn Stella, you look like a zombie," he said, grabbing a wet flannel that he put to her head, "Thanks Kelly," she answered, barely able to get the words out. He helped her to their bed and laid her down before wrapping a blanket around her body and covering her with the duvet. She moaned in pain and he kissed her on the head and walked out, turning the light off. 

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