Parents Part 13

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Both of Kelly's parents were staying over to visit and meeting Stella for the first time as Kelly's new girlfriend. 

Addy wandered out of her bedroom in her striped red pajamas, "Mommy, I'm trying to sleep," she told her, Kelly rubbed his eyes and followed his daughter out, "Stells it's 6am," Stella stood in her joggers and Kelly's t shirt holding the hoover. "Please stop hoovering," Kelly pleaded with her, "I'm sorry babe I just want everything perfect for when your parents arrive," Addy rolled her eyes and walked back to bed. The two adults pretended to look shocked and Stella said, "she definitely learnt that from Gabby," they laughed and Kelly led Stella back to their room, "They're gonna love you and we have until midday to clean before they arrive, let's sleep," Stella nodded and they curled up together on the bed.

Addy sat on the kitchen counter and watched as Stella finished cooking lunch, "Mommy, when are Jenna and Benny arriving?" she asked. "Anytime soon sweetheart," she replied before lifting the child up to wipe the surface under her. The doorbell rang and Kelly opened the door embracing both of his parents, "Jenna! Benny!" Addy shouted and ran towards her grandparents who both gave her a massive hug, "Guys this is Stella, my girlfriend," Kelly introduced Stella to his parents who smiled and hugged her, "It's great to finally meet you Stella, Kelly can't stop talking about you," Jennifer told her.

Later they two women were sitting on the sofa, "Don't give up on him," Jennifer suddenly said to Stella who looked back, confused. "These two are rubbish at talking about their feelings so don't give up, you two are great together and Addy loves you so much," Stella nodded, taking on the advice. 

*Author note- Sorry for the short chapter and I don't really like this part much but I am running out of ideas and need your help, please comment anything you would like included. xx

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