Kidnapped 1 Part 15

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"STELLA," Kelly shouted from the kitchen of the firehouse, she walked into the room on the phone shouting, "YES KELLY," "Have you seen Addison?" Stella ended her call and shook her head, "No, I thought she was with Connie while we were out," Kelly looked confused before saying "I can't find her and Connie said she went to the toilet and hasn't seen her since". Stella went to check the toilets and Kelly looked around again, "Has anyone seen Addy?" they asked the rest of the group who all shook their heads and began to look around. "Hey Kidd, what's this?" Mouch said and Stella walked over to her work coat which was hung on the side of the truck and picked out the piece of paper from the big pocket. Kelly walked out of the main building on the phone to the police, "Kelly get intelligence down here right now," Stella told him in a serious voice and grabbed the phone from him, "Yep I need intelligence down at firehouse 51 right now, we have a suspected kidnapping of a child.

Kelly read the note over and over again. Hailey and Jay walked in followed by Atwater and Rojas, "Hey Severide," Jay called and Kelly got up to greet them. "So you think Stella's ex, took Addy," Rojas said jotting stuff down in her notepad, both Stella and Kelly nodded, "Grant, he didn't take our breakup too well, it was ages ago and I never thought he would do something like this," Stella said tears welling up in her eyes, Kelly held her hand tightly. "So what would Grant get from kidnapping Kelly's daughter?" Hailey asked, "Addy thinks of Stella as her mom so I guess it was some sort of twisted revenge," Kelly answered them.

Meanwhile on the other side of town, "So where are we going again?" Addy asked Grant from the backseat of the car. "Gee kid stop asking so many questions you're giving me a headache," he answered her, "You are the one kidnapping me," she replied and Grant made a swift turn. "I'm hungry," she complained and Grant looked back confused, Addy rolled her eyes, "Girl gotta eat," she said looking out of the car window. "Fine, there's a mcdonalds here," he pulled into the service station, and they both got out of the car, Addy could see a gun hidden down the back of his trousers and he grabbed her hand, "Look child, you're gonna pretend to be my little sister and do not make any trouble, understand?" she nodded back at him, "It's Addison by the way, but everyone calls me Addy". Grant shook his head and they walked inside. After ordering they sat down waiting for their food, "I need to pee," Addy told him, "Make it quick", Grant replied pointing in the direction of the toilets. When inside Addy grabbed some toilet paper and took out her pink crayon from her jumper pocket, on the loo roll she wrote 'Grant has a gun, going to the other side of Chicago, black ford license plate CL7984'. There was knocking on the door and Grant called out "Addy food's here time to go," she flushed the toilet and ran the tap for a few seconds before leaving her unicorn hair clip with the note by the sink and running out.

"Guys we've got a lead, there's security camera footage showing Addy and Grant at a mcdonalds and someone found a note, we need you to come with us and identify it," Jay told Stella and Kelly who grabbed their coats and got in the car along with Hailey and Jay. They arrived at the restaurant, "Yep that's definitely Addy," Stella said looking at the security tape, "Here's the note, she gave us some useful information," Hailey told the pair. Kelly grabbed the hair clip attached, "This is Addy's, Brett gave it to her last week," He read the note his daughter had scribbled, "God no," he said, "Grant has a gun". 

*Author note- I made up the license plate by the way and since I'm English I have no clue what Chicago numberplates look like, Enjoy xx

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