Chapter 1

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Your POV:

It's been a few weeks since we defeated Pennywise. A few weeks since Bill and I started our relationship. Today was the last week of the summer, so all the losers, including me, decided to spend the day together.

So here I am, walking through the woods, looking for some club house Ben made. "Guys?"

I continue to look around, in search of my friends and boyfriend. "Bill? Guys where are you?" I continue. Just as I'm about to give up, I hear a voice.

"We're down here fuckwit!" I hear Richie shout. Such a gentleman as always. I roll my eyes, walking over to where I heard his voice come from.

I look down, seeing a ladder leading into some sort of underground base. "Hey guys!" I exclaim, causing everyone to walk over to the ladder.

I see Bill and give him a small smile.
"Well? You coming?" Beverly asks, causing me to tear my eyes away from Bill. I give a small nod before climbing down the ladder. As soon as I reach the bottom, Stan hands me a shower cap.

"So... is someone gonna tell me why Stan is trying to get me to wear a shower cap?" I laugh. Richie laughs but no one answers. "Is it because you are all scared of spiders?" I ask.

Richie scoffs, sitting in the hammock, reading some sort of magazine. "No one's scared of fucking spiders Y/N!" He exclaims. He looks at everyone else behind me, his face dropping.

"I stand corrected." He says. Behind me, I see Eddie take his off, walking over to Richie. What is going on with them two?

I shake my head and walk over to Bill. "H-hey Y/N." He says, giving me a heart warming smile. "Hey Bill, everything okay?" I ask, pulling him into a hug. When I let go, his face drops.

"Okay, now your scaring me. What's the matter? Who do I have to beat up this time?" I joke. However, he doesn't even crack a smile.

"D-do you t-think we'll still b-be friends?" He asks. I'm guessing he's talking about the future. I sigh, "I hope so Bill. I hope we all stay together forever." I say, trying to stay positive.

Bill smiles at me. "I love you." He says without stuttering. "I love you too." I say back. But saying those words killed me. I haven't told anyone yet, but my mum told me that we are moving to another place in a few weeks time. Somewhere in Indiana. I think it was a place called Hawkins? But I can't really remember.

I'm not looking foward to telling the losers. I will probably be the reason that we all fall apart.

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