Chapter 11

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Your POV:

Eventually, we all sat in the lounge area of the hotel. I sat on the sofa next to Beverly, my head in my hands.

"So you're telling me you know how we all die? How is that even possible?" Eddie asks on the verge of a panic attack. I look over at him, knowing that there is nothing I could do to help.

"The deadlights."

We all look at Ben in confusion as he randomly comes out with it.

"The deadlights. Beverly was the only one who saw them and she must have been affected by it." Ben finishes. The room fills with silence and not one of us makes the effort to move.

"Wait so you're telling me you have seen us all die?! That's fucked up man!" Richie exclaims looking horrified.

Before anyone can say anything else, Bill and Mike enter the room.

"What's going on?"

Bill and I both make eye contact and I hold back a sob, finally breaking eye contact and looking down at my hands.

"Bev, she's seen how we all die..." I trail off. Everyone starts up a conversation and the room becomes chaotic.

"Okay stop!" I finally shout, getting everyones attention. "We have to stop IT. We made an oath all those years ago and I plan to stick to it."

Richie's eyes widen at my outburst, about to make a snarky comment. But before he does, Mike speaks up.

"The ritual of Chüd. That's how we defeat IT."

"Oh yeah and what's that? Some kind of cult you joined?" Richie jokes but no one laughs. Eddie slightly shakes his head at Richie's behaviour.

"Just come with me. I need to show you something." Mike says, walking out of the hotel. One by one, everyone follows except Bill and I.

"Y-you okay Y/N?"

I slightly nod, not being able to form any words.

"I'm just scared Bill. After what happened 27 years ago... Stan... the thing that happened at the buffet. I guess I'm just a bit overwhelmed is all."

Bill pulls me in for a hug. I rest my head against his chest as he is a bit taller than I am.

"W-we can defeat IT Y/N. I k-know we can." He says, finally letting me go. I give him a small smile, walking to follow the others who just left the hotel.

Mike lead us through the streets of Derry, the light wind blowing through the air. I see Ben and Bev walking pretty close to each other, occasionally sending smiles to each other.

Once we make it to the edge of town, Mike takes us through the woods, each of us trying not to trip over anything.

"You remember the club house right?" Mike asks and we all nod. We used to love that place.

We continue walking to find the club house when suddenly, I trip over a branch. I close my eyes, ready to feel the impact of the floor but it never comes.

I feel arms wrap around my waist, holding me up. When I open my eyes, I see Bill's gorgeous eyes staring back at me. The same feeling from when I was a kid came back to me.

Then it hits me.

I'm still in love with Bill Denbrough.

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now