Chapter 19

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Your POV:

I follow Bill into the house, brushing what happened outside to the back of my mind. I have more important shit to think about right now.

I walk through the house, each floorboard creaking as I move. I walk into what seems like what's left of the kitchen with Bill, Eddie and Richie.

The eerie atmosphere sends shivers down my spine.

"Hey where's the-" I'm about to ask where the way down to the sewers is when suddenly, the door slams shut.

On the other side, I hear Ben shout in agony, Bev and Mike also shouting.

"Ben?! Ben! What's going on?!" Bill shouts. Next to me, I hear a slight banging sound. I turn towards a small dirty fridge which is shaking, as if something is trying to get out.

Eddie backs up into a corner while Bill, Richie and I all stay staring at the fridge.

When the door opens, a decomposed body is revealed, crammed into the fridge. The head slowly looks up, staring into our souls.

"It's Stan!" Richie exclaims in a joking tone, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I wouldn't be dead if it wasn't for you Bill." Stan says. I look over at Bill, seeing that the comment hurt.

"Don't listen man, IT's just fucking with us!" Richie says. Stan's head falls from his body, rolling on the floor. Once it stops, it just stares at us.

Eddie is still backed into a corner and I can tell that Richie wants nothing more than to comfort him and make sure he's alright.

Stan suddenly cries out in pain as spiders legs come out from the side of his face.

"What's happening to me?" He asks, still in pain. Once the legs are fully grown, we all stare at it, waiting to see if it would attack.

"Well you've heard of spiderman, now get ready for Spider Stan." I say, jokingly. Eddie and Bill shoot me a look to tell me to shut up but I hear Richie snicker at my remark.

Without warning, Spider Stan comes charging at me but before it has the chance to attack, Bill kicks it off to the side.

IT slowly crawls away, smirking at us all before rolling backwards, out of sight.

I sigh in relief and remember that Eddie is still in the corner. I run up to him, gripping his left shoulder.

"Hey Eddie, you okay? It's gone now okay?" I tell him, trying to calm his nerves and reassure him.

"Hey, where'd he go?" Richie asks.

We all look around the room but before we find it, I feel a sticky substance fall onto my shoulder. I look up, seeing Spider Stan staring and smiling at me ominously.

"Oh, there he is." Richie says and it drops down from the ceiling.

It lands on top of me, causing me to scream out.

"Get it off! Get it off me!" I scream. Bill and Richie both run over to me, trying to pull it off me. However, their efforts are useless as it keeps on lashing out at my face.

"Eddie get the knife! Get the knife!" Bill shouts but Eddie refuses to move, stuck in a shocked state.

I continue screaming as it doesn't stop attacking.

Not long after, Ben comes charging into the room, taking the knife, and repeatedly stabbing it in the head.

I lay on the floor, panting and trying to calm myself down. Mike holds his hand out for me to take and he helps me up. Bev places a gently hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Ben." I thank him for saving my life. He nods in response but says nothing as we all hear Bill shouting at Eddie.

"Why didn't you do anything! S-she could have died! S-Stanley died, you want Y/N too? Y-you want Y/N too?!" Bill shouts. I run over to him, pulling him away.

"Bill it's okay, he was just scared. I'm fine see?" I say, bringing my first up, punching Richie in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" He says. I laugh at him.

"Stop being a baby. I'm proving a point that I'm okay." I respond.

After the events that just took place, we slowly make our way towards the well, getting ready for the fight of our lives.

It's now or never.

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