Chapter 4

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Your POV:

Tomorrow's the day. Finally moving. That was the last thing I want to think about right now.

I'm currently laying on a patch of grass in the park, Bill laying down beside me. He holds my hand as we both look up at the sky.

"H-hey, I know t-that we'll be so-far apart, but i-i just want to let y-you know that I l-love you." Bill says. I can tell that he's holding back tears.

I didn't want to say this to him but I have no choice.

"I know Bill... but you have to move on. When I leave tomorrow, I will always love you. I want you to move on. Live your life. Trust me, in years time, you'll have a perfect life without me... I know it." I say, starting to cry.

"N-no Y/N. I can't do t-that. I'll always c-come back to you." He says, now looking into my E/C eyes.

"Okay Bill... Also, just so you know, I still haven't given you back your checkered flannel, which I'm keeping and taking with me by the way." I say laughing, trying to lighten up the mood. Don't want tears on the last day do we?

"That's f-find Y/N. I w-would want you to h-have it anyway." He answers honestly. God I love him so fucking much and I never want to let him go.

For the rest of the day, we continue to hold hands and laugh at random things, sharing our last few hours together. There is no other way I would want to spend it.


Today is the day. My parents and I are loading the boxes into the large moving truck.

I load the last of my boxes into the truck, spotting Bill's checkered shirt at the top of that box. I pull the shirt out, putting it on. This will be my only reminder of Bill. Well, this and the photo we all took last week.

"Honey, have you finished with your boxes yet?" My mum asks. I simply nod, walking back into the house, grabbing my jacket.

When I leave the house for the last time, I get a surprise waiting for me.

"Hey Y/N!" The losers shout, waiting for me outside. "Hey guys." I say, laughing slightly. "You didn't think we'd let you leave without saying goodbye did you?" Richie says in a terrible British accent.

"Of course not Rich. I'm glad you all came." I say. Time to say my goodbyes.

First, I walk up to Ben. "Ben, you are one of the sweetest people I know. Please continue to just be yourself and never let anyone tell you who to be. Also," I start, I whisper the next part to him, "I'm pretty sure Bev likes you." I say, watching him look slightly over at Beverly.

Next, I walk over to Mike. I give him a smile before starting. "Mike, you are so so strong willed. You always know what to say and how to hype someone up. Please stay strong for me okay?" I say to him. He nods, pulling me in for a brief hug.

Next in the group is Stan. "Stan the man. You are one of the most kind, genuine souls this planet has. Don't ever let anyone tell you can't be who you want to be. Always stay who you are." I say to Stan. He looks like he is about to cry.

I walk over to Eddie who takes out his inhaler. I haven't even started yet. "Ed's, I know you hate me calling you that but I don't care. All the time I have been friends with you, you have never once failed to make me laugh. Also, I swear to god, if you don't end up becoming a doctor, I will hunt you down." I say, making him laugh, whilst holding back tears. "Please don't let go of what you love most." I say to him.

I then walk over to Richie, who is obviously holding back tears. "Richie, the class clown..." I say, all he does is give me a death glare.

"Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that. Anyway, you never once failed to make me laugh and I know that we call each other stupid names, but I so know that it was a joke. I'll always treasure the time we had together Rich. Always be yourself, you stupid comedian." I finish. Richie quickly pulls me into a hug.

When he let's go, I go to Beverly. "Well, I know this may be goodbye, but I sure hope it isn't forever. You are my absolute best friend. A strong young woman, like me obviously. I hope we see each other sometime soon. Please write to me. Let me know how you're doing once in a while. Okay?" I ask. She nods, a single tear rolls down her cheek.

I pull her in for a slightly longer hug.

Next is Bill. Oh god, here it goes.

"Bill... my one true love. You made my world 100 times better since you came into my life. You always made me smile, which made you smile, which warmed my heart. And I will always love you. Anytime anyone says anything negative to you, shrug it off. Be the strong, better person I know you are. You deserve the world and more. You will always be in my heart Bill. Forever and always." I finish.

Now I'm the one with tears streaming down my face. Bill holds me close to him. Not long after, the rest of the losers join in a group hug. I wish we could stay like this forever.

"Y/N... it's time." My dad says. I pull away from the group, looking at them one last time. "I love you guys!" I shout through my tears.

I get into the back of the car, looking out the back window as we drive away.

"I love you Bill."

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