Chapter 6

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27 Years Later...

Your POV:

After many years of growing up, I decided that I wanted to be an author.  So here I am, writing my next book 'two doors down'.

My life had been quite hectic. A few years ago, I married a man named Dave but turns out, two years into our marriage, he was cheating on me. Of course, we filed for a divorce after I found out.

Now here I am in the year of 2019, a successful author of our time. Of course, writing was hard, but it's something I enjoyed doing, so why not persue a writing career right?

After months of being single, I decided to go dating again. My second date in the last few months is tonight. The last guy I went on a date with was a dick.

I sit outside my small quaint house, writing the next chapter of my book. The sun shines down on me and life couldn't be any better.

I have everything I ever need right here. Well, not everything. I do feel like I'm missing something, I just don't remember what. I have been having this feeling for many years now. It's strange really.

I forget about the uneasy feeling I have in my chest and get back to working on my book.


It's 5:00 and I'm getting ready for my date. I get ready into a simple black dress which falls just above my knees. I apply on light makeup, finishing with my hair.

I stare into the mirror, looking at myself. I look broken, but I still don't know why. I start to feel dizzy but I catch myself on my dressing table before I can loose balance.

I'm pulled out of my trance like state when my phone begins to ring. I look down at the caller ID to see that it's a new number. They're calling from Derry.

I cautiously answer the phone, bringing it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello Y/N." A voice says on the other side of the phone. I'm confused, how does this man know my name?

"Umm... who is this?" I ask, cautiously. "It's Mike." they reply, but when I don't say anything, he continues. "Who?" I ask him.

"Mike Hanlon. You need to come home..."

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now