Chapter 10

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Your POV:

I am scared. Of course I am but I'm not going to back away from it all now. I refuse to give up on my friends. My family.

One by one, everyone started to leave. Bill, Bev, Ben, Mike and I were the only ones left standing in the car park.

"I'll go talk to them." I say but before I can leave to go check on them, i feel a hand gently grip my wrist.

"Please be careful Y/N."

I send a soft smile to Bill who smiles back slightly. Does he still have feelings for me, after all this time?

I nod, shrugging my thoughts off and walking over to my car.

When I eventually make it to where we are all temporarily staying, I walk through the door, looking around to find the losers. Not long after, Ben and Bev walk in also.

Bev walks up to the bar and pours herself a drink.

"Bev we heard you. You said the words at the same time like you knew it was gonna happen." Ben says. Wait, is this about Stan?

Silence fills the room, leaving an eerie atmosphere.

"Bev what did you see?" I ask her.

"I saw us all die! Each and ever one of us. I know how we all die. I saw it."

I'm taken aback by her comment. How did she see us all die? Then it came to me.

"The deadlights..." I whisper out loud.

Both Bev and Ben look at me in confusion so I continue to explain my theory.

"Well Bev saw the deadlights and lived to tell about it. Maybe that's why you know how how we all die."

Suddenly, I hear a door creak behind us.

"You know how we all die?"

Richie walks into the room, standing beside me. After hearing this, he's obviously gonna leave Derry again.

Why couldn't this all just be that simple. 27 years ago, I thought we defeated IT. We saw it break and fall down the broken well. And now it's back to tear us all to pieces. Probably both physically and emotionally.

"That's it. I'm out." Richie says, walking to the main area of the building.

"Hey Eduardo! Andale let's go!"

"Hey Rich? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I finally ask him.

He looks confused but agrees, following me into a separate room.

"So earlier when we were all in the restaurant I saw your face change when Eddie talked about getting married. You wanna tell me what that's about?" I ask, slightly smirking.

Richie sighs, looking down as if he's hiding something.

"Okay but you have to promise that you won't say anything. No one else knows."

I slowly nod, sitting in front of him as he sits on a sofa.

"Okay so... it started all those years ago when we would all hang out together. I spent a lot of my time with Eddie and after a while I... started to catch these feelings. I didn't know what they were at first but I guess I know now."

I smile at Richie, catching on to what he is saying.

"You still like him don't you." I say but not as a question but as a statement. Richie only nods in response, smiling slightly.

"You know Rich, somehow I always knew. You'd look good together." I finish, smirking at him.

He is about to say something when a loud banging noise comes from down the stairs. We both walk out the room to see Eddie hauling both his bags down the stairs.

"What did I miss?"

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now