Chapter 5

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A/N: Hello everyone! As you know, I included a Stranger Things reference into my story. I am also aware that IT and Stranger Things take place in two different dates. However, for my story, I'm going to change it up a bit, just so it makes sense with the plot.

Bill's POV:

I watched Y/N through the back of the car window as she left. We all stood staring as her and her parents drove away. A single tear which is left, falls from my eye, hitting the ground.

One by one, the rest of the losers leave, eventually just leaving Richie and I. "You'll see her again Bill. I know it." Richie says.

I turn to him, sadness still overwhelming me. "H-how do y-you know Richie?" I ask him.

"I just know Bill."


Your POV:

After driving for a few hours, I finally see the road sign which reads 'Welcome To Hawkins'. New start, here we come. I know I would rather go back to Derry but this is a good chance to forget about all the horrible shit that happened to me back there.

After a few minutes, we stop outside a house. I guess this is it.

I step out the car, hugging Bill's shirt around me. I look at our street, taking it all in. Next door, a big house surrounded by trees stands out. It's lower half was built with bricks and the top half was covered in white paneling.

I begin helping my parents take out the boxes, but I hear a few voices which makes me look over. I see a group of 4 boys and 2 girls. They remind me of the losers.

I shrug it off, going back to the boxes. I pick one of mine up and begin walking ro our new house. However, I stop once I hear what one of the boys in the other group say.

"Hey did you hear? You know how my mum's boyfriend grew up in that town called Derry? Well he told me how he was haunted by this clown. Well guess what? People went missing in Derry not long ago." The one with the brown hair says.

I drop the box, causing the group to look at me. I stare out in front of me, not noticing them looking at me. "Sweetie, you okay?" My mum asks me, concerned at why I just dropped the box.

"I'm fine mum. I just miss Derry." I lie, hoping she didn't notice. She shrugs it off, going back to help my dad with the last of the boxes. Before I enter the house, I look over at the other group, noticing them still staring at me.

I rush off into the house, sitting on the empty floor. Why does everything have to remind me of that place?

I sit in the centre of the room on the cold floor. Tears start to well up in my eyes again. I remember the photo I have in my pocket, pulling it out and looking at it.

I run my finger over the last photo of the losers and I. The one where Bill and I are sharing a kiss.

I'll never forget you Bill.


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