Chapter 14

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Your POV:

I stare at the back if my mum, not daring to approach her. This must be a trick right? Since she's no longer around. My mind flashes back to a those years ago. Back to the day of the accident.

The sun shone through the clouds, children played in the streets whilst I sit on my own, thinking of the losers. It's been 3 years since we moved from Derry. I miss them all. I miss Bill.

I look down at the last photo we took together at the arcade, holding it gently in my hands. I smile remembering all the great times we had together.

Suddenly, I hear a car pull up on the street next to our house. My mum gives me a wave and sympathetic smile, getting out of the car.

But it all happens so fast. The next thing I know, another car speeds past.

"Mum look out!"

I hear the screams of my mum right before the car hits her. And from then on, my world felt as if it stopped spinning.

My body becomes shakey and a tear drops down my eye at the horrible memory.

"Mum? Is that you?" I ask again. She turns around only half way to face me. She gives me a smile holding her hand out to me.

"Oh Y/N. Look how you've grown. You're such a beautiful woman." She says, still smiling. I slightly smile back but stop when I remember that this is just a trick.

"Your... your not real..." I say. She begins to frown, standing up and leaving the bed.

"I'm here aren't I?" She asks. I step away from her, nearing the door. Abruptly, she turns around. Half of her face was torn and bloodied up. The skin wearing away, leaving a bit of bone showing on the side of her cheek.

"I'm very real Y/N. She says but in the demonic laugh which I remember from all those years ago.


She still looks like my mum but I know that it's not her. I back away iut if the door as she steps closer.

"You could have saved me Y/N! You saw that car coming! You did nothing!" She shouts.

"I-I... you don't understa-"

"You killed me... you killed me. You killed me! You killed me! YOU KILLED ME!" She chants chasing me through the house.

Just before I step outside, one of the floorboards raises up, flinging me backwards. My head hits the wall and my vision blurs.

"Oh Y/N... you never learn do you. All those years ago, I knew that I would come back for you!" Pennywise now stands in front of me, laughing demonically.

I scream, placing my hands over my hears. After a few seconds, I feel a hand on my arm, pulling me out if the house.

When we get out, I look up at my saviour.

Bill places his hands on each side of my face, looking at me.

"A-are you okay? What h-happened?" He asks, checking me for wounds. I place my hands on top of his, smiling slightly.

"I'm fine Bill... thanks to you." I say. He smiles back at me and starts to lean in. I begin to do the same. Our lips meet in a soft and passionate kiss. The emotions from all those years ago come flooding back just before we pull away.

When we part, we stay in the middle of the street, staring into each others eyes.

"D-do you s-still love me Y/N?" He asks quietly.

"I never stopped." I sweetly say, placing a hand on his right cheek. He smiles, turning around and picking something up.

He stands next to his old bike, getting on. I put my hand in my pocket, pulling on the photo we took in the photo booth as kids. How could I not have known. This has been my special object all along.

A ring of a small bell pulls me out of my trance. I place the photo back in my pocket, looking up at Bill who is now on his bike.

"H-hey Y/N... hop on."

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