Chapter 24

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Your POV:

"Here look! This leads out of here. If we sneak up behind it, we might get a chance to attack!" Ben says, leading us all out of the small cavern I previously fell down.

"Come out and play losers!" Pennywise laughs as IT tries to claw IT's way through the small gap.

"Wait!" Eddie yells and we all stop, turning around to face him.

"The leper I saw at the pharmacy. I almost killed it. I made him believe that he was small." He finishes.

It's as if a lightbulb sparked in everyone's head and we instantly know what we have to do.

"So that's what we do then. We make him believe that he's small!" I announce.

We carry on walking through the rocky tunnel, making our way towards the blue light of the exit.

Upon exiting the small space, we sneak out, hinding behind a rock away from Pennywise who continues to shout, clawing at the same spot as before.

"Well it's now or never." Bev says and out the corner of my eye, I see Ben smile at her lovingly.

"Hey shit face!" I shout, getting IT's attention instantly.

"You're just a dumb fucking clown!" I shout once more.

"Yeah, you're just a stupid leper!"

"Your a mimic!"

"Your just an old woman!"

"A dumb fucking clown!"

We all continuously shout insults towards Pennywise as IT forms into all our fears we once had. IT gradually gets smaller and smaller, until IT's body is tiny.

Pennywise flops onto the rocky surface behind, breathing heavily.

"You tormented us enough. Now it's your turn." I say.

All together, we reach our hands down, gripping IT's heart and ripping it out of IT's tiny little chest.

Pennywise cries out in pain, reaching IT's tiny hands up towards us.

We look at each other for a few seconds before we all add pressure to the heart, squeezing it.

After a few moments, the heart dissolves and Pennywise's now stiff body cracks and floats away into nothing.

Suddenly, we hear a rumbling sound and peices of rock fall from above.

"We have t-to go!" Bill shouts.

Instantly, our feet run as fast as possible towards to exit. We climb up towards the sewers where we first entered the place.

Creaking and crumbling noises sound out around us but we still have enough time to make it.

Once we make it to the Neibolt house, we run out just before it crumbles into itself, sinking into the floor.

We breathe heavily, trying to regain our breath. I feel a cool breeze on my left foot and look down.

"Oh no..." I trail off, causing everyone to look at me with concern.

"W-what Y/N? What is i-it?" Bill asks, slightly panicked.

"I lost my shoe..." I trail off. In an instant, everyone begins to laugh at me and I frown harder than i did before.

"You stupid fucker!" Richie shouts, causing Eddie to smack him on his arm.

We all laugh, walking towards the quarry, smiling and laughing like the good old days.

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now