Chapter 9

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Your POV:

After paying the check, we all thought it would be best if we left. Especially since we made a mess of the place. We all walk in silence, until a young voice stops us in our tracks.

"Hey Richie! The fun's just beginning."

We all turn around, looking at a small boy with curly hair. Richie walks over to him. "What did you just say?"

"The fun's juat beginning."

Richie bends down to the boys height, gripping onto the front of his shirt. I'm about to stop him but I stop when I feel a hand on my arm.

"Listen here you little bitch! I'm not afraid of you! You hear me? I'm not afraid of you!"

The kid looks shocked at Richie's outburst. "The fun's just beginning. The line from your act dude. I'm a fan." The little boy states.

I mentally curse Richie for being so fucking stupid.

Not long after, the boys parents come looking for him. "Oh... do you want a picture?"

"Uh... I think I'm good." The boy replies, walking away with his parents, who are scowling at Richie.

He turns back around to walk with the rest of us. "Seriously Richie? The poor kid is probably terrified!" I exclaim.

"Yeah well I don't write my own material!"

Behind us, Eddie gasps as if realizing something. "I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it!"

I laugh slightly at his comment, finally leaving the restaurant along with the others. When we all get outside, we awkwardly stand around, looking between each other.

"So Mike... are you gonna tell us why we're actually here?"

Mike sighs, obviously knowing that he can't keep whatever he was hiding to himself anymore. "IT's back. In Derry."

At this, my heart drops. My breathing quickens and I begin to panic. Eddie comes over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder for reassurance. However, out the corner of my eye, I see Bill looking slightly upset.

"Bev call Stan!" Ben tells her. She nods slightly, picking up the phone and dialing his number.

After a few rings, someone picks up on the other end. I zone out for a while, until I hear three strange words come from Bev.

"In the bathtub."

Each of us look between each other in confusion.

What do those three words mean?

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now