Chapter 2

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Your POV:

"Hey guys, I think I better start heading home. I have... stuff to do..." I say awkwardly. Truth is, my mum and dad wanted me to start organizing everything for the move in three weeks time.

The others stare at me in confusion, due to me acting a bit strange. "What stuff?" Mike asks. Shit! What do I say?!"

"Uh... just some boring homework." I answer, untruthfully. I'm not ready to tell them the truth just yet. "D-do you want m-me to help?" Bill asks kindly.

I shake my head, pulling him in for a hug, kissing his cheek. "Eww!" Richie and Eddie say shout at the same time. "Shut up you two! I think it's cute." Beverly says, Mike, Stan and Ben agreeing with her.

"Well I had a lot of fun today! But I gotta go. I'll miss you guys!" I say, everyone comes in for a group hug. "Y-your not exactly g-going anywhere though Y/N." Bill says laughing at me. Only if he knew the truth.

"Y-yeah I know but, I'll always miss you guys!" I say, waving goodbye to them all, leaving the club house.

"I'll always miss you..." I whisper. I honestly don't know what I'll do without the losers. I never wanted to move out. I suppose it will be good to get away from all the strange stuff that's happened in Derry.


After I make it home, I walk inside the house. "I'm back!" I shout.

"Hi honey, you starting to organize your things tonight?" My mum asks me. "Yeah I am. Do you still have those spare boxes I can use?" I ask.

She nods, "your dad put them in the garage. You can still have them if you want." She says, giving me a warm smile. "Thanks mum!"

With that, I turn around and walk into the garage, as I look around, I think about the time we were in Bill's garage and were attacked by Pennywise. I'm glad that's over now. I'm honestly surprised none of us have died yet.

I quickly grab the boxes and rush upstairs to my room, starting to sort through my belongings. As I do, I come across one of Bill's flannels which I forgot to give back. I honestly don't think I will ever give it back.

It will be one of the only things I have to remind me of him when I move.

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