Chapter 25

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Your POV:

After a short but peaceful walk, we reach the top of the cliff at the barrens.

I look down, remembering how we spent time here throughout the summer as kids. I laugh to myself slightly but it doesn't go unnoticed.

"Last one down there is a rotton egg!" Richie shouts in a childish way.

"Wait Richie no!" Eddie shouts but stops as he gets pushed backwards off the cliff by Richie.

Next to jump off is Mike who is soon followed by Bev and Ben who hold each other's hands before they jump.

Now, Bill and I are the only ones left at the top.

"Hey uh, Bill?" I start. He looks at me, a questioning look on his face. We both begin to lean in but before our lips touch, I laugh, pushing him off the cliff, just as Richie did to Eddie.

I instantly jump in after, the water splashing around me as I hit the water. When I resurface, water is splashed towards my face.

I gasp, looking at Bill who has a guilty look on his face and not long after, we're all taking part in a splash fight.

"Hey guys!" Richie shouts and we all look over at him.

"What's up Rich?" Eddie asks, concerned.

"I lost my glasses..."

I burst out laughing, almost swallowing the mucky water we are all currently in.

"Seriously, it's not funny, I can't see!" Richie shouts but a few of us continue to laugh.

To my left, I see Bev point to the water below, getting Ben's attention. When he wasn't looking, she submerged him under the water, following after.

Mike also goes underwater, searching for Richie's glasses. Now, it's just Richie, Eddie, Bill and I above the water .

I feel a hand slip into my own. I look over at Bill who gives me a short smile. Behind us, we hear Richie start up a conversation with Eddie.

"Hey Eddie? I uh... I have to tell you something."

This is it! He's finally gonna tell him.

Bill looks at me in confusion but I place a finger to my lips, signaling him to stay quiet.

"Look, I don't know how to tell you this... I uh... shit. Okay. Eddie, ever since I was a kid, I always had this feeling around you. A good feeling I suppose. It's hard to explain but every time I was around you, I felt normal. I felt happy. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." Richie trails off, obviously trying to muster up the courage to tell him.

"I love you." Eddie says before Richie gets the chance to. Richie's face has a shocked expression, unable to form words properly.

"You-you do?"

"I always have." Eddie says.

Richie instantly kissed Eddie and I'm almost in tears. However, after a few moments, I shout my mouth off, just as Richie did to Bill and I as kids.

"Yes! Get some Richie!" I laugh. The pair pull away and the rest of us losers all clap, cheering for them both.

"Shut the fuck up Y/N! Don't act like there's nothing going in with you and Bill!" He fires back. By cheeks instantly heat up, and I smile, looking away.

And in this moment, life couldn't have been any better.

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