Chapter 21

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Your POV:

Walking into the centre of the opening, Mike places down the artifact which he brought with us.

"So what do we do now Mikey?" I ask, everyone else probably thinking the same thing too.

"Your artifacts. We have to burn them in this." He points the the object in the floor. He lights a fire inside of it, standing back up.

Everyone takes out their tokens, holding them in their hands.

I slowly pull the photo of the losers and I out of my pocket. I forget about everything around me for a minute or so, until I'm pulled back to reality when Bill nudges my shoulder.

I look around confused but soon notice that no one has their artifact anymore. They were all now burning. Lost forever.

"Oh... I uh. This is the last photo we all took together 27 years ago..." I trail off. I gently place the photo inside, watching it burn.

"I still can't believe you placed a token in there."

"Yeah well your inhaler won't burn either dipshit." Richie and Eddie argue like a married couple, causing me to laugh slightly.

Silence flows through the cavern and no one knows where to look.

"Oh! We can't forget Stan now can we!" Eddie explains, taking out a shower cap from his jacket pocket, throwing it into the fire.

"Now what?" Richie asks. We all look at each other with questioning glances. Bill turns to me, gripping my hand.

"Everyone hold hands." Mike says, causing us all to do that. Of course, I'm already gripping Bill's hand in my left but I feel Bev grip onto my left hand. She throws me a quick, reassuring smile.

Suddenly, a loud rumbling noise flows through the air.

"Turn light into dark. Say it!" Mike shouts as a bright light appears at the top of the cavern.

"Don't look at the lights!"

We shut our eyes tightly, chanting the words 'turn light into dark'. Who knows if this will work.

Behind my eyelids, I see the light travelling further and further down, eventually making it's way into the ritual object along with our artifacts.

Mike slams the lid down on it, shutting the deadlights in there too.

"Turn light into dark! Turn light into dark! Did we do it!?" Eddie continues to shout and opens one of his eyes.

We all let out a breath but the peaceful moment is cut short when a giant red balloon begins to expand, seeping out of the ritual artifact.

Bill keeps his grip on my hand, walking back, out of the centre of the cavern.

The balloon continues to get bigger and bigger, until it forces itself through the spikes in the centre.

A loud bang travels through the cavern, the force throwing us all back. The sound causes a ringing in my ears and for at least 15 seconds, I cant hear a thing.

"Was that supposed to happen? Did we do it?" I ask frantically.

Bev shines her torch around the room but we all shriek when the light lands on a giant Pennywise who stares at us through the spikes in the centre.

"Did it work Mikey? Tell them why it didn't work." Pennywise laughs ominously down at us.

"What's he talking about Mike?!" Ben exclaims.

"Ohhh what's the word Ed's? Gazebo? Tell them why it didn't work."

Mike stumbles over his words, unable to form an audible sentence.

"S-shit Mikey! You lied to us again!" Bill exclaims, angry at Mike for tricking us into thinking we could kill IT.

"They couldn't kill it before because they didn't believe! If we believe, we can-"

"Fuck Mikey!" Richie exclaims, gripping onto Eddie's wrist. Pennywise laughs, stepping over the spikes with it's spider like legs.

"I am the eater of worlds! For 27 years, I dreamed of you! I craved you! Oh I missed you!" Pennywise exclaims, bringing one of IT's claw like arms up, slamming it down on the floor.

IT laughs and we all take off running in the opposite direction.

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