Chapter 13

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Your POV:

We all sit in silence for a few minutes remembering the times we spent with Stan all those years ago. My eyes start to water and I feel a presence beside me.

Bill sits down, pulling me into a side hug. Once I push the tears away, I finally break the silence.

"I wonder what he was like as an adult." I say, referring to Stan. Bev, Mike and Ben crack a slight smile.

"Probably the same as when he was a kid." We all hum, agreeing.

"The best..." I trail off. He was and has always been a great person. There wasn't a single bad bone in his body.

Eddie takes the shower cap which was in the tin and places it in his jacket pocket. That's Stan's object that we will use for the ritual.

After a few more minutes, we begin climbing back up to the surface.

"What do we do now?" I question Mike since he knew what we all had to do.

"We have to split up to look for our own objects. An object that is important to you."

"Uh... wouldn't it be safer to stick together?" Eddie questions, causing Richie to look over at him.

"Yeah I hate to agree but we have a higher chance of death if we split up!" Richie exclaims. I hate to say it, but I agree too.

"It'll take too much time. We have to split up." Mike says. Eventually, we all agree, going our separate ways. I walk away with Bill, as he is heading in the same direction as me.

"So... Y/N..." Bill starts but stops when we walk past a shop window.

"What is it Bill?" I ask but he just keeps on staring at the window. He shakes his head, as if escaping out if a trance.

'I-I'll catch up w-with you..." he says, walking into the shop. I laugh a little bit, shrugging it off. He's always full of surprises.

I continue walking for a few minutes, until I reach somewhere I never thought I would see again.

My old house.

Slowly, I walk up the steps, one of them snapping as I stand on it. How long has this place been abandoned?

Carefully walking up to the door, I reach my hand out to turn the handle. I feel as if a force is pulling me inside the house which must be something to do with what I'm looking for.

Once I step inside, I look around, first spotting the living room. The sofa was dusty and torn, one half of it caved in.
Multiple empty photo frames were smashed on the ground, next to our old broken table.

I smile to myself, remembering the happy memories of when my parents would help me with homework. Or when I had the losers over for game night.

I sigh, walking upstairs to my room. The old worn out door is shut to I steadily open it with caution.

The door creeks open, revealing my old bed which we never brought with us when we moved. The rest of the room was empty, apart from one small box which was behind the door.

How could we have forgotten to bring this with us all these years ago?

I open the box, revealing some of my old photos. I flip through the photo book, until I hear a creaking sound behind me.

I slowly turn around, revealing a figure now sat down on my bed.


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