Chapter 8

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Your POV:

We finally all sat down after greeting each other. I sat next to Bill... obviously.

"So wait Eddie, you got married?" Richie asks pretending to be shocked. Eddie obviously didn't find it funny. "Yeah! Why's it so fucking funny dickwad?"

I sit back, enjoying the show between the both of them.

"Wait, you married a woman?" Richie jokes. However, I see a glint of sadness behind his eyes. I should probably talk to him about that later.

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you!" Richie shouts back at him.

Once the food arrives, we all tuck in, enjoying each others presence. Every now and then, Bill glances over at me, giving me a smile when I look back at him. Maybe he does remember our childhood.

Richie and Eddie have an arm wrestle, all the rest of us, betting on who would win.

"I bet on Eddie!" I exclaim.

"What? Y/N! You know I'm stronger than this fucktard!"

I laugh, nearly not being able to breathe. Once their game was over, we all go back to laughing and sitting in our seats.

"So... anyone else here married?" Richie asks. I look down, fiddling with my fingers.

"Y/N? What about you?" He asks, smirking.

"I uh... I was. I don't want to talk about it." I say, looking down, trying not to recall any of the bad memories. Suddenly, I feel a hand take hold of mine.

I look to the side, seeing Bill grasping my hand. He gives me a reassuring smile, but I just force a smile back.

After an excruciatingly long, awkward pause, the waitress comes in, placing a bowl of fortune cookies in the centre of the table. We each reach over and grab one.

I crack mine open. The only thing written on it is :).

That's strange...

"Hey guys! Mine only says 'cut'!"

One by one, we all place our words down on the table, trying to figure out what it all meant.

"Guess it could not cut?"

"No! Your doing it wrong!"

"Guys!" Beverly gets our attention, stopping the arguments. When she places down hers, it reads 'Stanley'.

Oh god, this can't be real. He didn't show up! This isn't real. This isn't real!

I quickly rearrange the words on the table, finally figuring it out.

'I guess Stanley couldn't cut it :)'

My eyes start to water and my hands begin to shake. I take a step away from the table, when suddenly, the left over fortune cookies begin to shake.

I feel a protective arm make it's way around my waist. I turn to look at Bill who was holding me close to him, looking just as scared as the rest of us.

What looks like a bird wing makes it's way out of the cookie, flying towards us. I try my hardest to swat it away, but no matter what, it keeps coming back.

"Eddie!" Richie shouts from across the room, scared for him.

Mike picks up a chair and smashes it down on the table as black blood starts pouring out.

Suddenly, everything just stops.

The waitress walks into the room, looking quite shocked at the mess we made.

"Yeah, can we get the check please?"

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now