Chapter 17

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Your POV:

We all get into one of our cars. Before we get the chance to drive to Neibolt, we get a call from Mike telling us to come to the library.

Once we pull up outside after a short but silent journey, we each step out of the car. I'm the last one to get out of the car.

We all rush in through the doors, seeing Mike on the floor and Richie stood off to the side. When I look at the floor next to Mike, I see Henry's lifeless body with an axe in the back of his head.

That's fucking disgusting.

"You okay?" Ben asks, I'm guessing Mike since he was attacked. Mike doesn't get the chance to say anything as Richie speaks up first.

"Of course I'm not okay! I just fucking killed a guy!" He exclaims. I throw a look at Richie as if to say 'really?'.

"I think he was talking to Mike." I resort causing Richie to look sheepish. He walks off to the side, and I follow him.

"Hey Rich?" I whisper, grabbing his attention. He turns around to face me with a questioning look.

"Yep that me." He sarcastically says. I simply roll my eyes before continuing.

"Have you thought about telling Eddie yet? You know about how you-" I'm soon cut off as Richie shushes me and puts a hand over my mouth.

"Y/N he'll hear you. But no... I haven't." He says. I look at him sympathetically.

"Well if you don't tell him soon, I'll just have to tell him instead." I say. He huffs in response, looking down at his hands.

"Fine, I'll tell him. But not yet." He finishes and I nod, satisfied with his response.

We both walk walk back over to the other losers, receiving questioning glances. Eddie is the first to speak up.

"Where were you guys?" He asks, looking between the two of us. I smirk at Richie slightly, taking this as my chance to tell Eddie how he feels.

"Oh we were just talking about how Richie li-" I start but am cut off once again.

"How I wasn't feeling too good after killing Bowers. I mean, I put an axe in his head! That's fucking badass am I right?" Richie exclaims throwing his hand up for me to give him a high five. Of course I stare at him blankly, as do the others.

Not long after, he puts his arm down and awkwardly looks around.

"We need to go." Bev says, referring to leaving for Neibolt to help Bill defeat Pennywise.

We all nod, stepping out of the library, leaving Bowers' lifeless body behind.

Hopefully he is dead this time.

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