Chapter 7

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Your POV:

"Mike Hanlon. You need to come home..."

My eyes widen, memories from growing up in Derry popped back into my head. I look down at the scar on my hand, remembering the blood oath. So that's where it came from.

One by one, the memories come back to me. Pennywise, the losers. Bill.

"Hello Y/N? You still there?" Mike asks on the other end of the phone. "I uh... yeah. When do I need to get there?" I ask, expecting him to say next week or something.

"Tonight. Meet us at the Chinese Buffet place when you get here."

The phone hangs up and I drop the phone out of my hand.

How could I forget about Derry? I grew up there! Then one thought in particular came to mind. Why did Mike want me to come back? And what did he mean by 'us'?

I rush off upstairs, packing essentials into a bag. Extra pairs of clothing and bathroom essentials. I reach to grab my jacket from the top shelf when two more pieces of clothing fall down with it.

Bill's checkered shirt and my old jacket. I begin smiling at the thought of seeing him again. Will he remember me though? Hopefully.

I place the shirt in my bag, zipping it up. I reach back up to put my old jacket back on the shelf but stop when something falls out the pocket, gently hitting the ground.

I rop the jacket and pick the object off the floor. It's the old photo me and the other losers took as kids in that photo booth. I look at each picture, staring at the one where Bill and I shared a kiss. I wish everything could go back to the way it used to be.

I jump into my F/C car and start the engine.


I have been driving for a few hours now and it has become dark outside. In the distance, I see a road sign and I stop the car just before I pass it.

'Welcome To Derry'

This is it. I'm finally here.

I set off driving again, eventually pulling up in the parking lot of the place I was supposed to meet him.

I leave my bag in the car, stepping out and locking it. I walk towards the doors, stopping before I go in. I notice a woman with the same hair Bev used to have.


"Y/N?" She asks. I nod frantically, rushing over to her and pulling her into a hug. "Wow, I missed you so much Bev! We have a lot to catch up on." I exclaim, making her laugh.

Without noticing, a man walks up to us. He's quite tall and has brown hair. "Bev? Y/N?" he asks.

Bev and I look at each other confused. The man speaks up again when we don't respond. "Ben?" He says pointing to himself. Oh my god! He's changed so much.

Bev walks over and hugs him, I just awkwardly stand to the side, letting them have a moment. However, that moment was ruined by another voice.

"You guys look amazing. What the fuck happened to me?"

"Richie?!" I shout. "The one and only." He laughs. I run over to him, pulling him in for the biggest hug ever. "It's been a long time Y/N." He says as we all start to walk into the restaurant. "It sure has!" I say laughing.

We both stop laughing when we finally make it to the room where we would be eating. I see three other men who are staring at us.

Mike, Eddie and Bill.

"Woah, look at these guys!" Eddie laughs, joking.

Bill and I make eye contact and I feel like everything around me stopped. I wonder if he still feels the same way we did as kids.

"Hello? Earth to fuck face!" Richie pulls me out of my trance by waving a hand in my face. I slap his hand away, shoving him playfully, just like we did as kids. Everyone else laughs at our childish behaviour.

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now