Chapter 26

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Your POV:

1 year later

A few weeks ago, Bill proposed to me. Yes, a year ago he was married to someone else but they broke it off. They both agreed that they weren't meant for each other.

Last week, Richie and Eddie got married, and let me tell you, that was the most beautiful time of all our lives. Of course Richie then ruined the after party by throwing cake everywhere but that's just how he is.

A week before that however, Bev and Ben also married. Of course I was the maid of honour. I don't think Bev would have had it any other way.

When it came to Bev throwing the bouquet, a lovely woman named Daliah caught it but tripped over her dress. Luckily, Mike caught her before she fell. Now the pair are dating and everything seems right in the world.

But today, is our special day. Our wedding.

My nerves get the better of me and I stare at myself in the mirror.

You got this Y/N, I tell myself.

"Wow you look... like shit!" Richie comes into the room, laughing. I frown harder and he stops laughing.

"I'm kidding, you look lovely Y/N. But not as good as me!" He says, making me laugh.

"You always know how to make me feel better don't you  Richie Tozier." I say but he coughs.

"Actually, it's Richie Tozier-Kaspbrak!" He proudly exclaims.

"No it's Kaspbrak-Tozier dickwad!" Eddie says, walking into the room also. I laugh at the pair, knowing that they were practically meant for each other.

"Are you ready?" Richie asks me. I look at the mirror once more before sighing.

"I'm ready."

Eddie walks out of the room, towards the outside. Richie links his arm around me, leading me towards the ceremony. Since my father passed away, Richie said he wanted to be the one to give me away which honestly shocked me.

"Y/N you're beautiful!" Bev exclaims. I wanted her to be my maid of honour obviously which she just couldn't say no to.

We leave the building, walking towards the beach. Bill and I wanted to have a special wedding on the beach and I knew it would be perfect.

Suddenly, the music starts to play and all the guests stand up, gasping ad they see me.

This is it.

My eyes lock with Bill's amazing blue eyes at the end of the isle and I continue walking.

As we reach the end, Richie kisses my cheek and leaves to sit next to Eddie. Bev stands beside me and I look back at Bill who looks lost for words.

We smile at each other, not being able to take our eyes away to look elsewhere.

We recite our vows and when we kiss for the first time as husband and wife, the guests cheer and clap for us.


I changed into my shorter more moveable dress for the after party.

Guests congratulated us, piling gifts onto the small table in the corner.

A slow song plays and Bill lightly grabs my hand.

"Will you do the honour of giving mr this dance Mrs Denbrough?"

"Of course Mr denbrough." I reply, chuckling slightly.

Eventually, couples are dancing all around us. Bev and Ben are staring at each other. I look over to my left, seeing Eddie laying his head against Richie's chest.

And in this moment, my life feels complete. I close my eyes, smiling as I rest my head against Bill. My mind thinks about Stan who is probably watching us from above.

And in this life, I'm happy that I get to live it as Y/N Denbrough.

In the end, we all have to face our fears

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now