Chapter 16

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Your POV:

I step away from the skateboard, looking at Bill who also has a scared expression on his face.

"Bill? What does that mean?" I ask. My voice shakes but I try to keep myself together.

"S-shit... I-it's the kid." He says confusing me. He begins to panic and runs his fingers through his hair.

"What kid?"

"T-the kid f-from the restaurant. He-he lives in m-my old h-house. He-he is going to t-the fair. I have to save h-him." Bill says, turning and walking away.

"Bill wait! We can bring the others, we just have to wait. Bill!" I shout bit it's no use. He ignores my protests and rushes out the building.

"Shit." I mumble to myself, as Bev and Ben both walk down the stairs.

"What happened? Where's Bill?" Ben asks looking confused.

"He left to go help some kid. He thinks that Pennywise is after the kid." I say.

Before anyone gets the chance to say anything else, we hear a crash coming from upstairs. I'm the first one to run up.

I see Eddie sliding down the wall with a huge cut on his cheek. What the fuck happened?! I scream, causing Bev to run up the stairs also.

"Bowers is in my room." Eddie says in shock. Bev tries to pinch he cheek to stop the bleeding.

"Holy shit he's still alive!?" I question. Bev throws me a lot to tell me to stop shouting.

I slowly walk into the bathroom where Eddie was attacked, ready to face Bowers. However, as I enter, all I see is blood on the floor and an open window.

I walk over and look out, only to see Henry Bowers waving at me, pulling a knife out of his chest. He runs off towards a car before getting inside.

When I make it back downstairs, I see Eddie sat on a chair with Bev and Ben finishing patching him up.

Suddenly, my phone rings and I take it out my pocket, answering it.


"I-it got the kid. He t-took him right in f-fucking front of m-me." Bill says over the phone, sounding distraught.

"Bill where are you?" I ask. The others in the room look at me with worry.

"I-I'm gonna kill it."

"No Bill! You can't go alone! Stay where you are. I'll get the others-" before I finish, Bill cuts me off.

"N-no, I'm not l-letting you get killed! I d-dragged you all I-into this. I can't let y-you all get hurt b-because of me." Bill says before hanging up the phone.

"What did he say?" Bev asks me looking worried.

"He's going to Neibolt... alone."

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now