Chapter 18

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Your POV:

I sit in the front seat of Richie's car as we all couldn't fit in one car. So it's just me and him.

Suddenly, the radio turns on and a sinister voice I know too well starts to sing in a tormenting voice.

"I know your secret. Your dirty little secret." Pennywise sings. Richie instantly turns off the radio and we are greeted by silence once again.

"Richie was that-"

"Yeah I don't wanna think about it. It's already happened to me once today." He says. I nod, respecting his feelings.

Once the car pulls up outside Neibolt, we step out, the others joining us as they also pull up outside.


He turns around looking distraught. I run up to him, bringing him into a comforting embrace. I feel a tear fall onto my shoulder as we pull away.

"You can't do this on your own." I simply say but he shakes his head.

"I d-dragged you guys into t-this. I n-need to kill IT on m-my own." He says.

"We were together when we first defeated IT. We need to be together to kill it for good." Mike says, everyone else nodding in response.

Eventually, Bill gives in and I give him a small smile as he looks at me. He nods and I nod back, reassuring him that everything will be okay.

"R-Richie said it best when we were here l-last." Bill says, causing everyone to look at Richie.

"I did? I don't wanna die?"

"Not that."

"We're lucky we're not measuring dicks?"

Everyone looks at him in questioning. Until he finally sighs.

"Let's kill this fucking clown?"

Bill laughs slightly and I let out a short laugh too, nodding my head. God how I would love to go back to the good old days. But Richie fucking Tozier hasn't changed a bit.

"Let's kill this fucking clown." Richie says as a statement rather than a question this time.

The rest of the losers step into Neibolt, Bill and I being the only two left outside.

Before I get the chance to follow them, I feel a gentle hand grip my wrist, stopping me. I turn to look at Bill who stares at me for a few seconds.

"D-do you think we'll k-kill IT this time?" He asks softly. Honestly, I have no idea.

"I think so... I guess we just have to have faith." I say, trying to keep everything positive.

"Hey Y/N... I-I need to ask you s-something when we get out of here." He tells me. Why couldn't he just ask me now?

He looks like he is about to say something, when Ben's voice calls out through the broken house.

"Hey you guys coming or what?"

I look down to see Bill's hand still gently wrapped around my wrist. He notices, and takes his hand away.

"Sorry." He quietly says, embarrassed, before walking into Neibolt.

What was that about?

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now