Chapter 15

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Your POV:

I climb onto the back of Bill's bike, hesitantly wrapping my arms around him.

Once he sets off peddling, I laugh, remembering all the time was used to spend as kids biking around Derry. I lay my head on Bill's back, smiling fondly at the memories.

"Hey ho silver, away!" Bill shouts, making me laugh. The wind blows through my hair as we ride down the streets, towards the inn that we are all staying at.

Once we make it to the inn, Bill stops peddling and lets me get off the bike first.

"Thanks." I say to him, about to walk into the building. However, I stop once I notice that he seems distant. He continues to stare at a storm drain which is across the road from where we are staying. Every drain reminding him of Georgie's death.

I carefully walk over to him, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. This pulls him out of his trance like state.

"You okay?" I softly ask. He straightens up and simply nods his head as a response.

He is the first to walk through the front door, coming face to face with silence that haunts the whole building.

I see Bev sat on the steps alone, looking down at something she has in her hands. I gently sit next to her.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Richie's upstairs. Ben is trying to convince him to stay and Eddie went into the bathroom." She answers. I nod my head and look down. A slightly uncomfortable silence flows through the air, until Bev starts talking again.

"Well, I better go check on them..." she tails off. She stands up, walking up the stairs to speak to Richie and Ben.

I stay sat down on the stairs, looking down at my hands. I pull out the photo that I have in my pocket, pinning my finger over it gently.

Bill comes over to me and sits down beside me.

"I-I see you kept the p-photo..." he starts, trying to start up a conversation.

"Yeah I did. After all these years, I kept it. It's always been with me. Even when I forgot that I even grew up here." I say. I slightly smile as I look at the last of the photos.

The photo where Bill kissed me.

My cheeks start to slightly heat up but I don't think Bill notices it.

"Y/N? I j-just want to s-say..."

Before he finishes, he softly places his lips on mine, pulling me in for a kiss. All my emotions come fludding back to me from all those years ago.

He pulls away, not breaking eye contact. Within seconds, I kiss him once more. The moment doesn't last long though.

Suddenly, we are forced to pull apart as a loud thud sounds out through the room. A single skateboard comes thudding down the stairs before stopping at the bottom. Blood seaps out from underneath it, floating upwards.

This is another one of Pennywise's tricks.

Once it is flipped over, a message is written on the bottom. Written in blood.

'Won't b-b-be there for him either?'

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now