Chapter 22

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Your POV:

My legs burn as I continue to sprint as fast as I possibly could, away from the giant version of Pennywise.

Along the way, we lost Mike, Eddie and Richie, who all split off, causin everyone to tun off in different directions.

Now, it's just Bill and I. I stop of a second to look around to try and find the others. But it's no use.

"Y/N! W-we need to g-go now!" Bill exclaims, grabbing my wrist. I'm about to follow him but I trip over a rock, causing me to fall into an area filled with cold water.


I sink further and further underwater but I eventually come to my senses, seeing a little spot of light, shining down from above the water.

I gasp for air as I reach the top, pulling myself onto an object.

I now find myself sitting on a small bed. But not just any bed. The one from my old room.

"Oh Y/N. My sweet sweet Y/N. You cane back for me!" An older woman's voice exclaims with joy.

Once again, I come face to face with my mother who stands in the doorway with a huge smile on her face.

I stay sat in my bed whilst old objects from my past float in the water with floods the bedroom floor.

"I'm sorry mum. I'm so so sorry. I could have saved you... it's all my fault." I say, tears threatening to spill down my slightly red cheeks.

"Your right Y/N... you could have saved me. But you didn't. Instead, you continued staring at a picture of you and your stupid friends who don't even care about you! You let me die because of them!" She shouts.

She takes a single step towards me but is soon stopped when a car comes speeding down the hallway, knocking her over just like all those years ago.

Just when I thought that was the most impossible thing to happen, the car drives past and her body disappears.

"Look at this. All your guilt, your fear. Your lovely fear. I could take you now Y/N. But I think it would be more fun to mess with you first!" Pennywise says, a child like laugh following.

With no warning, the room slowly fills with water and the door to my bedroom slams shut, locking me inside.

"Oh shit. Oh shit!" I panic, frantically searching around the room for absolutely anything that could help me escape.

"Shit! Bill! Richie! Someone help!" I shout, slowly losing hope.

"Y/N?!" I hear a faint voice call out.

"Bill! Help please!" I scream, hoping that he will make it in time. The water rapidly seaps into the room, now almost up to my chin.

I hear a pounding at the door but the water flows up to my chin.

"Bill! I love you!" I shout just before the water completely floods the room. I take a quick breath, holding as much air as possible.

A few moments later, the door to my room bursts open and the water gushes out like a tidal wave.

I gasp, filling my lungs with as much air as possible. I land on top of someone who proceeds to wrap their arms around me, pulling me into a tight, warming hug.

Bill looks up into my E/C eyes, smiling slightly, despite the situation.

The blue tinted light from the deadlights lights up his face, allowing my eyes to scan his facial features.

"I love you too." He says.

And he didn't stutter once.

Face Your Fears - Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now