Chapter 3

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Your POV:

Two weeks have passed and next week is our moving day. I am honestly not ready at all. Especially after what I found out about where we are moving.

A few years ago, Hawkins was the central of strange occurrences. Many people have died there too. The mall they have there, Starcourt mall or something like that, set on fire a few years ago. They renovated it and re opened it now but still, weird right? People said that it was attacked by some sort of giant monster. Who knows? Anything is possible.

I set off from my house, walking towards the arcade. Today, I have to tell the losers that I am moving.

"Hey fuck face!" Richie shouts. "Hey shit brain!" I shout back at him, the others rolling their eyes at our stupid names for each other.

"Hey so before we get caught up in playing video games, can we please go to the photo booth over there? I think it will be cute ya know? Save great memories in a photo." I say. Of course I suggested this, fo keep the memory when I leave Derry.

"Yeah! That's a great idea!" Ben says. I pull Bill towards the photo booth and the others follow suite.

I sit in the front, Bill on my left and Bev on my right, Ben sitting next to her. Behind me, Richie and Eddie are stood next to each other and Mike and  Stan are behind Bev.

The first photo we take is a normal smiling photo. The second one is a funny photo. And the last photo is a random one. For the last one, Bill unexpectedly kisses me on the lips, but I still kiss back. Once we hear the camera go off, we pull apart.

He smiles at me, staring into my eyes for a few seconds.

"Hey look!" Richie shouts, pointing to the 8 copies of the photo that had finished printing out. "What the fuck Richie!" Eddie shouts. "Why did you even do that!" He shouts again.

I look down at the photos to see Richie put his arm around Eddie in one of the photos. I chuckle to myself.

"Umm... guys? I have something to tell you all..." I trail off. It's now or never.

"I uhh... I-I'm..."

"Spit it out Y/N! You're starting to sound like Bill!" Richie jokes. I sigh and stop myself from crying.

"I'm moving!" I finally shout, unable to hold back a stray tear that falls down my cheek. I look up at them, seeing them all with shocked expressions. Bill looks completely broken. I'm so sorry Bill.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you... my mum and dad planned to move to a place called Hawkins. They said they want a new start." I finish.

"W-when? When a-are you l-leaving?" Bill asks. I sigh again, "next week. That's why I wanted to make the most of the little time I have left with you all."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Stan asks, looking like he was about to cry. "Please, I wanted to but i just didn't know how." I say.

"Okay, then let's make these last shit days, the best shit days we can possibly make them!" Richie tries to lighten the mood. A few laughs were shared.

"You go ahead, Bill and I will catch up!" I shout as they rush off to play street fighter or something like that. "Hey Bill, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't know how to tell you about this. I promise, I will never forget you, ever." I say to him.

"I k-know Y/N. I will never f-forget you t-too. But l-like Richie said, let's forget a-about that for now. Let's m-make these the best shittest d-days of our lives." He says, grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the others.

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