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"my mum wants to meet you" Dalton smiles to Ariana "Actually meet meet me" she asks since they had only seen each other on face time. "yeah" he nods giving her a hug. "is she mean" Ariana asks "nope. You've spoke to her on face time, It's not like you haven't seen her before" he smiles giving her a kiss.

"can I have my massage now" she asks "mhm" he nods "of course you can" he smiles picking her up bridal style and carrying her up to the bedroom and placing her to the floor and gently lifting her too over her head. Ariana lays down on the bed face forward and got comfy making Dalton smile. "i better get the kisses again" she adds "of course angel" he nods. Dalton smiles dropping some oil on her back and rubbing his hands gently along her skin.  "what kind of massage do you want baby" He asks "just my shoulders really" he asks looking at him making him nod working on her shoulders where he worked out that's where she carried her stress.

"is this okay" he asks gently applying more pressure to her shoulder making Ariana nod into the pillow "i love you" Ariana mumbles "love you more" he smiles

"your turn" Ariana giggles rolling them over. "okay" he smiles letting her sit on his butt and rub his shoulders. "your butt is tense" Ariana giggles wiggling around. "your butt is squishy and I don't complain" he rolls over pulling her down for a hug.

"i don't think were in the mood for massages right now by the looks of it" he smiles at her "You made me feel relax so you did your job" she snuggles into him.

"we can go see my new home tomorrow. I signed the paperwork before" Ariana smiles "ooo" he smiles giving her a kiss sitting up holding onto her. "what do you want to do" he asks rubbing her back. "i really want to be in your arms" she looks at him. "you can be in my arms if you want to" he smiles "you sleepy" he asks.

"a little." she nods laying down. "want to try have a little sleep" he asks "mhm" she nods.

Dalton woke up to a musty metallic smell making him pout looking under the sheets. His heart broke as she had come on during their nap. He gently climbs off the bed walking into the bathroom and running his girl a bath. He takes off his clothes and got changed before going to check on the bath and waiting for it to run before going to wake up his girl.

"beautiful" he gently taps her "i want more sleep" she moans "baby you have come on" He gently breaks it to her. "come on its okay" He gently picks her up from the bed rubbing her back. "i'm sorry" she frowns "no no its okay" he kisses her head. He places her to the floor snd gently undressed her before placing her into the bath.

"you want to be left alone" he asks "please" she nods. "don't cry angel its okay" he places a soft kiss to her lips before leaving her alone. He goes out and changed the bed for her before taking everything she had bled on down to the washing machine and placing it on.

"what you doing" Aaron asks "sorting my sad girlfriend out" he pouts walking into the kitchen making her a hot water bottle and a cup
of tea. He walks up to her and she was already out the bath sat on the bed.

"i made you some tea and a hot water bottle" he smiles lightly handing them to her. Ariana smiles taking them. "thank you baby" she smiles getting back into bed.

"your welcome anything else you want" he asks "some cuddles" she asks making him nod happily cuddling her.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now