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Dalton left her alone again after opening the test for her. Ariana sighs sitting down on the toilet and holding the 3 sticks in her hand. Taking the caps off them and peeing on each one if them and placing the cap back on and placing them on the side. Before she washed her hands.

She looks at her self in the mirror and chuckles at how her hair was a mess and she just didn't care anymore. Before she picked up the three tests and sat on the bed next to Dalton. Dalton looks at her and Ariana leans to give him a kiss. He had only just turned 25. So she was prepared to be the mature one if you would put it. He was still young and if he wasn't ready for this if the answers was positive she would understand.

"damn three minutes takes forever" he whines falling back onto the bed making Ariana chuckle "patience baby" Ariana looks down to him. "I just want to know your going to be okay" he pouts "i'm going to be okay baby" Ariana smiles loving the fact he cared so much. It made her feel warm inside that he was going to be here for her. Its not like they were trying for a baby.

Ariana turned one over positive. Then the next one positive. And then the final one positive.

"Babe" Ariana speaks up making him sit up. "i'm going to be a daddy" he smiles picking up the test from the floor. "eww gross i just touched your pee" he pouts. "i didn't pee on the plastic you idiot" she rolls her eyes

"How are you feeling" Ariana asks taking the test off him and straddling his lap. "Happy, Scared, Nervous" he pouts Ariana nods "be honest with me are you ready." Ariana asks "Mhm. Anything with you I am ready for. But Miss Pop star are you ready for this" he asks.

"its going to be a big test for my mental wellbeing. But children was always in my plan" she smiles "Your mental and physical wellbeing right now is what matters to me" he smiles rubbing her back. Ariana smiles. This is something she loved about him. He was always making sure she was okay mentally. Sometimes she was very good at hiding her pain and he just knew. She had a few tells which he had learnt to pick up on.

"can we keep it a secret from everyone for a while" She asks "mhm of course" he smiles. "so when do you need a doctors appointment" he asks "within the next week" she smiles at him.

"okay so we need to keep all the positive tests fuck the negative" Dalton says making Ariana chuckle. "me want sleep" Ariana crawls back into bed. "you just had a nap"

"okay so tomorrow you need to call and book it in okay. We need to keep you healthy"

"baby" Ariana walks around the house covering her boobs with her hand. "Dalton where are you" she frowns. "Here" he comes out into view making her smile happily. "now miss where is your top" he asks. "here" she points to the one he had on. "but its cold" he pouts.

Ariana drops her hands since he had seen her all before. She just was very unsure if someone was here or not. "put another one on" she whines. "babe please stop making me stand here topless. I just want to feel close to you" she sniffs "okay okay don't cry my baby don't cry" he hugs her before taking off his top and handing it to her

Ariana places it over her head and smiles. "happy now" he asks seeing her smiling at him. "mhm" she nods taking his hand. "see now i can call your friend the baby maker instead of the pleaser" she grins patting it. "what was that for" he asks "just letting you know i still love it" she giggles.

"what does my girl want to do before we go sleep" He asks "I need a drink and then cuddle. I missed you all day and its been an emotional rollercoaster I just want to be in your arms" she looks up at him.

"we can do that. I missed you too. I saw a butterfly today and it made me think of you because you love them" he smiles.

"want to go on my back" he asks "mhm" she nods climbing onto his back as he carried her into the kitchen. Ariana grabs some water and a bowl of fruit she had made earlier and not finished before he took her up to bed.

"do you think the condom split... or we forgot" he asks looking at her. "What if I forgot my birth control" she pouts. "it could be anything" he shrugs. "what if i did forget my birth control then this is my fault" she sniffs. "hey hey none of that" he hugs her. "its okay. We always wore protection its okay" he gave her a kiss.

"okay cuddle time" she pats next to her. "i think we should do something really cute for our parents" he looks at her turning on the tv "mhm just not yet got to prepare very carefully with my mum geez she could hate you" Ariana sighs.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now