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Dalton opens his eyes and smiles to his beautiful girl asleep next to him. He gently shuffles to the end off the bed and peels off the sheets and gently moved Ariana's legs so he lay in between them. He lifts up her top gently and kisses her baby bump.

"Hey little one. Its daddy. Mummy is sleeping right now and she looks adorable so I decided to come talk to you." He smiles. "today I get to know if your a boy or a girl and then i get to think of names for you." he coos.

"good morning" Ariana mumbles running her hands through her baby's hair "mummys awake" he smiles leaning to give her a kiss. "How long have you been talking to our little one" "not that long" he smiles helping her sit up.

"can you help me off the bed I need to pee" Ariana asks making Dalton nod. He stands up taking her hands and pulling her up. "thanks baby" she smiles walking to the bathroom. 

"babe" Ariana calls making him walk to the bathroom door "yes" he asks looking at her where she was brushing her teeth. "you excited about today" she asks smiling at him. "mhm it means i can buy my baby somethings" he beams "seeing you happy about this really makes my anxiety go away" Ariana smiles walking over to him and wrapping her arms around him. "good. I don't want you being anxious about things. But if you are just come and talk to me" he smiles "i will baby." she smiles.

"come on lets go get you some breakfast" he smiles taking her hand. "I hope when we have had the baby and I get small again we can still have cuddles. Obviously its never going to be the same but i do miss them" Ariana admits as they walked to the kitchen. "i miss them too but i think as soon as you don't have the baby in your tummy you will feel like you can wrap yourself more around me again. You may not think it but you will have a fear of hurting our unborn baby" he explains getting out two bowls and making them both some cereal.

"i guess" "your a mother right now. You became a mummy the second you were pregnant because your natural instinct was to protect your body" he smiles handing Ariana a bowl.

"are you ready" he asks "i am" she nods coming downstairs. "whats with my hoodie" he asks "nothing looked right on me" she frowns making him nod. "come on angel" he smiles opening the door for her. "i have your whole family messaging me about the gender." Ariana giggles. "i mean they could just ask me" he pouts. "aww baby its okay."

"Im gonna ignore them for a bit. I never answer messages straight away" "yes you do. You reply to me within seconds." "mhm because its you and you make me happy and smile."

Dalton smiles taking her hand as he drove the way to the clinic. He parks up and Ariana climbs out the car and she whines. "what you whining at" he asks "my show lace is undone" she pouts. Dalton bends down tying her shoe lace back up for her. "better" he asks taking her hand making her nod.

They both walk in and Ariana signs herself in and taking a seat. "keep calm its okay" He whispers to her since there was a few people sat waiting and if he knew anything is that she hated leaving the house when she was anxious especially now since she was carrying.

"can we go for a little walk after this" Ariana looks up at him. "of course we can" he smiles. "come on you have been called" he stands up. Ariana stands up taking his hand and going to the room they had been told to go to.

"hello you two" Her midwife smiles. "Hi" Ariana smiles. Dalton helps her onto the bed. "so how are you finding things" She asks as Ariana lifts up her top. "Were doing okay" Ariana smiles "She bossing you around a lot" She asks Dalton. "No not really." he smiles looking to Ariana who was annoyed she wasn't getting all the attention.

"okay so you guys wanting to know the gender" she asks "mhm" Ariana nods. "this boy wont shut up about it. Im glad the day has come to make him happy" Ariana smiles lifting up her hoodie up slightly.

"thats such a strong heartbeat" Dalton smiles "Mhm it sure is. your baby is happy and healthy" she smiles "thats so good to hear" Ariana smiles. "okay so let me just look around"

"its a girl" (okay so more people voted for a girl) "aww a little princess" Dalton smiles "you sure you ready for a sassy princess" Ariana asks "mhm" he nods.

"i'm going to have tea partys and bear hunts and grt to dress her up like a princess oh i cant wait" Dalton beams twirling Ariana around making Ariana smile. "now im not your only girl" Ariana pouts. "your always to be my Queen" he smiles.

Dalton looks down at her and smiles. If it wasn't for her being pregnant right now he would have proposed to her by now. He was planning to do it on halloween but because that happened while she was pregnant it wouldn't work. He wanted to to be special not forced.

"I love you" "i love you too"

"I tell you 1000 times a day but i love you that much to let you know so many times" he smiles kissing her head.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now