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"mummy is going to wake daddy up" Ariana smiles to her girl who had fallen asleep after crying for an hour straight. But it was not a screaming cry it was like she was trying to communicate with Ariana so It made Ariana happy. She gently places her down in her basket which Toulouse instantly went and cuddled next to her. Ariana smiles giving her boy a kiss. This is something that Toulouse had started doing. He protected her little one which made Ariana feel at ease about leaving her in a room alone.

Ariana ran up to the bedroom and dived on Dalton. "wake up dumbass" Ariana throws a pillow on his head. "i'm awake" he smiles "our daughter is asleep now its boring come entertain me" she squeals "okay okay im coming" he sits up pulling her down for a hug.

He climbs off the bed lifting her up making her wrap her lefs around him before walking downstairs witb her.

"i can't wait to introduce her to my nonna" Ariana smiles as they both look down at their sleeping princess. "Nonna will love it" he smiles. "When i have my check up with her im going to ask when i am able to take her on a plane since i really want to take her to boca" Ariana pouts.

"do i get to come" he asks rubbing her tummy. "of course. Can't leave you behind it will be the first time she mets you too. Wow a big day" Ariana giggles. "im scared. Is she more scary than mama Joan" He asks "yes" Ariana nods walking into the kitchen. "hey that doesn't calm my nerves" he pouts following her.

"i'm not going to lie to you baby." Ariana grabs a cup "want w coffee" She asks "please" "but i dont want want her to hate me how do i make her love me" he asks "don't hurt me" she leans to give him a kiss. "never" he smiles taking her hand and twirling her around.

"i know baby you love me" Ariana giggles handing him his coffee. "i sure do love you" he smiles.

"DALTON" Ariana pouts walking around. "Dalton i miss you" she whines she had just woken up from a nap she didnt want to take and her daughter and her man were now missing. "DALTON" Ariana screams leaning against the wall.

Dalton walks over to her snd scoops her up. "hey hey calm down its okay" He coos stroking her back. "I thought you left and stole our daughter" Ariana sobs "never baby. We were just outside. I was showing her the sky" he places a kiss to her head.

"you okay now" he asks. "mhm im in my babys arms" she snuggles into him. "wheres our baby girl" Ariana asks "Minnie is in her basket. We should go entertain her before she screams the house down" Dalton smiles carrying her to the sofa.

"when did i last feed her" Ariana asks "about 2 and a half hours ago so shes due a feed soon" he smiles Ariana looks up and smiles back to him.

Dalton's heart melts. He didn't know what it was about the smile it was just a different smile. A smile he had never seen before. "what you staring at" Ariana asks "just you. You have never smiled at me like that" "well i love you you get plenty of smiles i never knew i had" Ariana smiles.

"you know how we changed her name do we need to sign something" Dalton asks "we need to register our baby girl in the next week. The forms are im the mail to us right now" she beams making him nod. "love you" he smiles "love you more" she sticks her tongue out. "come here i wants a kiss" she taps her lips. Dalton happily walks over and her and kisses her lips.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now