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Tonight was Dalton and Ariana's before the wedding parties. (its different everywhere so im just saying a party) Dalton's mum had offered to look after Minnie for the night and Ariana was more than happy for her to look after her. She never really got to see her considering they lived a good few hour drive from them.

"these next two weeks are going to be stressful" Ariana sighs "I know baby but it will all be worth it when you walk down the aisle" he smiles wrapping his arms around her. "i don't like the fact your making me sleep alone tonight. I thought you were only going to put me though one night of pain" she mumbles against his chest. "my babydoll needs her sleep."

"my nonna calls me that" she beams "i know i found it cute" he smiles kissing her head. "please don't get too drunk tonight" he mumbles against her head. "if you promise too" "of course i will promise not to get pissed" he smiles picking her up giving her a kiss on the lips.

"I miss Minnie" Ariana frowns. "Me too but i bet shes driving my mum insane since we do so much with her to make her happy" he chuckles carrying her to the bathroom. "lets shower together. I want you in my arms" he turns the water on pulling her hair out from her bobble.

"we need to he quick though the girls will he here soon taking me away from you" Ariana giggles. "oh I know." he nods. "can't have your girls finding us in the shower together"

"oh shit your stunning" Dalton gasps seeing her in the red dress she had picked out. "do I look okay. Im so unsure" Ariana asks looking down at herself. "babe are you serious. You look amazing" Dalton takes her hand twirling her around. "its my boobs are they okay" she asks since she was in a dress that really outlined her figure.

Dalton steps back before taking her to the mirror. "this one needs to be in the dress more" he points making Ariana sort the dress. "mhm thats much better" he smiles kissing her head. "okay come help me with heels" she smiles taking his hand to her closet. "you didn't buy new ones" he asks confused "mhm 5 pairs" she giggles sitting down. "these would be cute" he smiles "they are so high what if i forgot how to walk" she giggles "this cutie can walk in heels in her sleep i think your good"

"Are you ready." Victoria walks into the room. "Just putting heels on" Ariana giggles "well Dalton is putting them on" she adds since he was fastening the buckle on them.

"please keep her safe" he looks to Victoria. "of course I will keep her safe" She chuckles pulling her buy the arm. "I love you" Ariana squeals "i love you too" he smiles blowing her a kiss which Ariana caught and placed to her heart.

He watched out the window as she left the house. So he gently made the bed since they were play fighting on it after their shower. He took the top he had on today and folded it up and placed it onto her pillow with a rose and a note.

thought you would miss me. Heres my top for you to sleep in xx I love you, Love from D x

He smiles before heading to his own party.

Dalton sat on a chair smiling at videos of Ariana having a good time which he hoped for. One concern for him was she wasn't going to have fun because she was stressing about everything that needed doing.

"Fuck you Dakota" Dalton stands up from the chair seeing a stripper come towards him. "Get him" Dakota laughs running after him. "this is the last strip dance you'll ever have when you become a married man" He states.

"im not having another girl grind on me." he states. "its only a bit of fun" "whats fun about not having the girl i love here and having someone i don't even like"

"your mans loyal" Victoria chuckles making Ariana take her phone and run off to the bathroom and lock herself in looking through all the videos of her man. She really missed him. They had taken her phone away from her since she was just constantly looking at her phone. But thats what happens when you fall in love with someone, you want to spend all your energy making sure they are okay.

Ariana sorts her shit out before leaving the bathroom. "you okay" Courtney asks giving Ariana a hug. "Im just so overwhelmed. Ive been so glued to Dalton since Minnie. Now he isn't here with me and neither is my daughter. I'm not a party person anymore and i miss my little family" She sighs.

"tomorrow you will he back cuddled up in his arms" She kisses her cheek. "I know" she beams thinking about her first cuddle with her man tomorrow morning.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now