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Ariana rolls over after waking up and looking at the baby monitor and finding Minnie still asleep and smiles at her man. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANDSOME" Ariana giggles down his ear making him open his eyes. "birthday boy wants sleep" he whines pulling her into his arms. "no sleep for the birthday boy" Ariana whines straddling him "ill wake your friend up and that will make you get out of bed"

"your supposed to be nice to me on my birthday" He pouts. "mhm i will be if you get your lazy ass out of bed" she stands up making him whine climbing out of bed. "this is what i have to deal with for the rest of my life" he smiles "i love it" he wraps his arms around her.

"okay what you want for breakfast" Ariana asks looking up at him. "pancakes" he smiles "or waffles"

"which one baby" Ariana giggles "pancakes" making her nod getting the stuff out the cupboard "i love how your just wearing my shirt and underwear" he moans "mhm i walk around half naked when im alone with you" she giggles. "mhm i have noticed."

"Minnie been up this morning" "yeah she had her milk and hasn't woke up since. So i think she was tired" "also you best put some clothes on if you don't want to be half naked around my family" he adds.

"im making you breakfast with my ass out shut up or you get no fun time later" she sticks her tongue out at him. "i mean you have your boobs out a little too im being spoilt"

"how many pancakes my baby" Ariana asks looking at him. "4" "you sure" making him nod. Ariana grabs some strawberries from the fridge "who says i want strawberries" he asks "well if your wanting pancakes you have to have something healthy"

"whats your bruise from baby" he asks looking st the back of her leg. "Minnie was playing the other day and she dropped one of her toys on me and then cried because she hurt me" Ariana frowns "aww bless her little soul" he pouts as she placed his pancakes in front of her.

"you are the cutest person in the planet" he smiles at her effort

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"you are the cutest person in the planet" he smiles at her effort. "eat up baby. I hear Minnie so ill be back in a second" Ariana skips away making him smile.

"Hello my gorgeous girl are you ready for some breakfast" Ariana gasps picking her up and snuggling her making Minnie smile wrapping her arms around her neck. Ariana carries her downstairs and places her in her highchair.

"BA" Minnie giggles slamming her tinny fist on her highchair making Dalton look at her. "your a happy girl for daddy" he smiles "I want food" Dalton claps making Minnie follow his actions making Minnie clap. "omg baby shes doing it" Dalton gasps making Ariana turn around. "omg our baby can clap her hands" she sniffs.

Ariana picked up Dalton's phone and unlocked it and took a video of them both. Dalton was getting her to clap while Minnie was in hysterics laughing her little head off. The sound I like to hear when i come through the door" Dalton's mum smiles making Ariana jump behind Dalton. "Ariana its okay" She chuckles. "she has no pants on" Dalton chuckles "keep her happy while i put some shorts on" Ariana smiles running up the stairs.

Dalton stood up pulling Minnie over to him and grabbing the bowl of porridge. "Shh don't tell mummy but I wanted to feed you so im glad shes gone upstairs" he giggles.

"can you grab me a spoon so she doesn't flick it all over the room" Dalton asks making his mum hand one to him. He smiles handing her the spoon.

"your an angel" he smiles feeding her. "is she teething yet." "mhm she is"

"present time" Ariana brings in 4 bags and carries Minnie. "Baby geez" He takes some off her "there is more" she giggles "your joking right" he asks making her shake her head. "take this one" she hands him Minnie before running off to get the rest of the bags.

"babe honestly you didn't need to spoil me" he frowns. "mhm i did because i love the fuck out of you" she beams sitting down.

"have this one while i open them" he smiles "should we sit her and watch daddy open his gifts" Ariana gasps smiling placing her on her knee holding her tummy.

Dalton sits down pulling a bag towards him and pulling some gifts out. "a new phone" he looks up at her "you cracked your one" she giggles. "well you threw it across the room when you jumped on me for cuddles so ill let you off"

He opens the next one and he lets a tear slip from his eye. He comes and picks Minnie up snuggling her.
"i love you angel" he smiles giving her kisses. It was a photo of them from her first hour of being born.

"okay you go sleep" he chuckles at her with her eyes closed. "you think she'll want milk" Ariana asks "yeah if were putting her down for an actual nap" making her nod going to get him a bottle.

"your boobs okay" he asks "mhm ill just express them when they get too much but she is comfy in your arms"

Dalton smiles placing the bottle to her lips. Minnie opened her mouth before sucking away. Ariana takes a photo and smiles. "can i post it" she asks "mhm of course angel. You have posted me on your story a lot they know we are happy" he chuckles.

Ariana posts the photo to her feed with her comments off because she didn't want hate comments flooding her comments about her daughter and her man. She captioned the photo with "happy birthday handsome. this is your daughters way of saying she loves you by letting you feed her with a bottle instead of me."

"This is all I wanted for my birthday snuggles with my baby girl" he smiles looking down at her. "also she has curly hair baby" he chuckles "i know i saw one the other day"

Dalton stands up placing his sleeping princess down in the basket and picking up Ariana making her squeal lightly. "love you" "i love you too"

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