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before i start this chapter i need to explain what is happening. Ariana is going to be having a dream. But the dream actually happened but instead of just doing a flashback i felt like it would be cute to write it as a dream because Dalton is more likely to ask about it. If this makes sense.

Italics are going to be here dream and normal writing is whats happening around her like rolling over or something.
Ariana was closing her last show of her tour. Her emotions were high. Sad it was all over yet happy to finally get some sleep and fully recover from this illness she had picked up in london.

She let out a shiver in her sleep pulling her sheets more on her to keep warm.

"Ariana you have someone here to see you. Can I let them in" Brian asks peeping his head around her curtain. "of course" she smiles taking a sip of her water.

"Hello cutie" Dalton smiles coming into her tiny box as a dressing room. "Omg Hi" Ariana smiles blushing slightly as her crush became real. She walks over to him giving him a hug. "i didn't know you were coming?, how did you get back stage?" she asks super confused. "Well this girl apparently cannot keep her mouth shut about me so Doug got me to come surprise you. And plus my sister had tickets to see you anyway. Used the excuse of I need the toilet" he chuckles.

Ariana rolls over in her sleep smiling widely.

"no one saw you did they" Ariana asks "nope everything is super lowkey" he smiles kissing her head making her get butterflies. "well i best leave this busy girl to get on with her show" he smiles "bye Dalton.... wait kiss me" she asks shyly. Dalton walks back to her leaning down to give her a kiss. Their first kiss. Butterflies erupt in her tummy as the sparks fly. Their first kiss was amazing and Dalton pulled away smiling sweetly at her before walking away.

*** (end of dream)

"bye dalton.... wait kiss me" Ariana mumbles in her sleep making Dalton look down at her. Yes he was still awake. It was currently 1am and his girl had fallen asleep around 3 hours ago leaving him to entertain himself watching some tv series he liked to watch.

He chuckles seeing her smiling wide. However he knew she was dreaming so he decided to leave her be and not embarrass her by waking her up. The last thing he needed was her getting shy about sleeping with him incase she sleep talked. He decided it was probably best to get some sleep.

He gently lays down next to her before falling to sleep.

"good morning" Ariana sings cheerful as Dalton opens his eyes. "your in a happy mood today" he smiles "i am" she nods. "best sleep ever" she cheers. "your sleeping well lately I love it. I get one happy girl" he smiles.

"are you going to get anymore" she asks tracing her fingers along his tattoos. "probably" he nods smiling at her. "where" she asks "here" he points to his arm making her nod.

Dalton smiles stroking her hair as she rested her head on his stomach tracing along his tattoos. He noticed Ariana smile at what he was doing. "need a to buy a massage table so you can massage me"

"all you need to do it ask for a massage.It was okay doing it on the bed last time" he smiles gently pulling her up for a kiss. Ariana smiles feeling loved. "i love you" she smiles "i love you too"

"I'm going to shower is that okay" she asks "mhm of course." he nods "go get clean my angel." he pecks her nose before she climbs off the bed walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. As she was showering she felt the urge to sing like who doesn't.

She decided to sing all my love because right now she was giving all her love to her man who also was giving her all the love and attention that she wanted which was making her extremely happy.

Singing in the shower was one of Ariana's favourite things to do. No one to impress just doing what she loved. However she did know Dalton was hearing her since she was 100% sure he was waiting for her on the bed. Since they were such a happy couple they were basically glued to each other. But hey could you blame them.

Ariana frowns as she forgot her towel. "Baby" she calls "what" he asks "come here" she frowns making him walk into the bathroom making her squeal "ahh don't look" she covers herself. Dalton turns away quickly. "whats up" he asks "i forgot a towel" she frowns making him nod going to get her one.

This girl made no sense. She practically was always naked around him. He chuckles to himself shaking his head at her cuteness. He knew she was still shy around him. You can't always be a sexy badass. He also found it cute. She trusted him with her body but every so often she would just get butterflies and get all shy around him.

"Here you go angel. And hey theres no need to be shy around me" He smiles as she wrapped the towel around her. "You give me butterflies and it makes me weak at the knees." she frowns.

"aww my baby has fallen head over heels in love with me"

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