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okay okay i was too excited i was trying to wait a little longer.

39 weeks pregnant.  22nd March.

"babe" Ariana whines "i need a wee help me up" Ariana holds her arms out. Dalton pulls her up to her feet and Ariana waddles off to the bathroom. Ariana walks out the bathroom and walks into his arms. "you feeling okay beautiful" he questions "its like i have tummy ache" Ariana pouts. "it comes and goes" she shrugs.

Dalton looks at her and smiles "what" "your going into labour beautiful" he looks at her making her shake her head as fear came over her. "i'm not ready" she pouts. "shh its going to be okay." he rubs her back. "we can get through this right" she asks looking up to him. "of course we can" he smiles.

"okay so i'm going to make a call to your midwife to let her know your in the early stages and see what she suggests for you" he kisses her head. "While you relax"

Ariana climbs onto the bed laying down scrolling through her phone. "okay so she said. Until your waters break or your contractions are 5 minutes apart we have to stay home" he bends down in front of her.

"do you think i can sleep" she asks "if you try you can" He smiles kissing her head. Ariana nods closing her eyes. Dalton smiles going into the closet snd picking out a few comfy clothes for her. They had packed the baby back last week with all the stuff they needed, but as for Ariana they never packed anything because she only had a small amount of clothes she fitted in.

"babe can we go hospital now please" Ariana cries. "okay come on" he pouts helping her off the bed. Hearing her cry in pain wasn't a nice feeling. There was nothing he could do to help her but tell her everything will be okay. And that only made her get mad at him. "okay was that your waters" he asks making her nod. "okay" he helps her into the car and going round to get in the drivers side.

Dalton took her hand as he drives out their house.
"ow" Ariana whines. "put your god damn seat belt back on" Dalton moans. "no its hurting me" she huffs slouching down. Dalton rolls his eyes carrying on the drive to the hospital.

He pulls into the spot and he helps her out. Ariana snuggles into his side as he walked her inside and they were guided to a room where Ariana climbed onto the bed. With Dalton's help of course.

"okay so can we see how far along you are" Their midwife asks making Ariana nod. "okay so if you can get into this gown and we will be able to see" she asks making Ariana.

"want help" Dalton asks making Ariana nod. Dalton helps her take off her hoodie and replaced it with the gown before taking off her pants. "i love you" Ariana mumbles. "I love you too" he kisses her a kiss before helping her back onto the bed.

"okay so heels together and then bend your knees down does that make sense" she asks making Ariana nod. "okay so you are 6cm which is good. When did you start feeling the early signs" She asks. "maybe like 3am this morning" Ariana pouts. "so around 10 hours ago" she asks making Ariana nod.

"why didn't you tell me earlier" Dalton asks "because i just thought it was tummy ache" she pouts making him nod. "does my mother know" Ariana asks "mhm she does she is on her way now" Dalton smiles. "Couldn't let her daughter go into labour without telling her. I have been giving updates to her every hour" he smiles. "thank you" Ariana smiles.

"the last thing you wanted to do in pain was message people I had it covered" he smiles.

"mummy" Ariana cries "shhh its going to be okay" Joan rubs her back. "im so tired" Ariana sniffs. It was now 1am and she was 9cm when they last checked. She had now nearly been in labour for a whole day from the early signs but only 12 since her waters broke.

"okay Ariana can we check you over again" the midwife asks making Ariana nod. "okay so your fully dilated. So on your next contraction you need to push okay" She explains making Ariana nod looking at Dalton who stood up to take her hand. "we have got this" he smiles at her. Ariana smiles at him since she couldn't help it. His smile was all it took to let her know everything was okay and it was nearly over.

"kiss" she points to her lips. Dalton leans down giving her a soft kiss. "okay on the count of 3 ariana" "1...2..3" Ariana pushes pulling squeezing Daltons hand letting go of her mums not want to break her hand. "thats it beautiful" he looks at her.

As much as he wanted to see what was going on down there he needed to be there for his girl. "try not to hold your breath okay" he tells her making her nod. "AHHH" Ariana screams "thats it baby" he coos.

Joan was just leaving him to it. He was doing a good job so she wasn't getting involved. Instead she was watching what was going on down there.

After a few more pushes the head was beginning to  crown. Dalton looks and his eyes well up. "okay Ariana just another push and the head will be out and then you want to take a few breaths to help you with the rest okay"  Ariana nodded "your doing amazing baby" he smiles.

"heads out" Joan smiles. "can I look" he asks ariana making her nod. "my baby" he smiles. "okay back to me" she pulls him up. Ariana pushed again and let go of Daltons hand as she felt a crack. "its okay" he took her hand again. "fuck"

It wasn't long till they heard the cry of their baby girl. Ariana breaks down in floods of tears. "we did it" she smiles "we did" he smiles.

"daddy do you want to cut the cord" she asks making him nod cutting the cord before their girl was placed to Ariana's chest.

"okay so can we check over you hand" the midwife asks "my hand is fine" Dalton says just wanting to focus on Ariana. "maybe later"

"can we clean her off" the nurse asks making Ariana nod letting then take her beautiful girl. Dalton leans down and gave Ariana a kiss. "you are amazing" he smiles wiping her eyes. "congratulations" Joan smiles.

Quarantine 🖤 Ariana and DaltonWhere stories live. Discover now