Treatise 8

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Hello All!
Sorry for a little late I had been occupied with my backlog at work.

But finally things are settled, thanks for being patient, so are you all excited yo read the first chapter with naive Roshni Purohit meeting the rough and tough Ashikshit Raj Singhal?

Without further delay, here is the new update!

"Face To Face"

Adikshit's pov

This girl is sure a Trouble!

It's been hardly a few days, and she has started working her brains on the Legend.

It's not that, I want to hide anything from her, but at the same time, I know there are few certain things about Legends that could frighten her.
As a Human, she has a set of things fixed in her mind but what she does not know is that those are just few drops of the vast ocean of our Legends. Besides, there are many complicated secrets associated with us and our enemies.

And I want to be there with her, when she finds out as I know she would not be able to handle the revelations.

But my girl is way too much of a curious cat.! I tried to divert her mind, keep her busy at the university with Manik and Aadish and other Singhal clan but she is way more determined.
And guess what, she is already working on her little expedition to unfold our History and Secrets.

Now, now do not think that I am stalking her or anything, it's just the Legend bond.!

I can sense her activities through our bond but unfortunately it is way too weak for now and also I have a feeling my mate is guarded from mind reading.

And trust me, it's just so frustrating when I can see her but can't read her!

Many times, I tried to connect with her through our mate telepathy but she seems blocked.
Well, may be I will find out about this, more later but right now I am on my way to meet Roshni, as I can smell her.

And I can tell that she is upto to something. Her elder Brother also suggested something but we could not find out much on our own.

So, time to come Face to Face with Roshni!
I hope she is not frightened with my presence.!

I was following her mesmerizing scent and I knew what was she upto!

I must say, this girl is sharp, as she knew where to find the manuscripts.

But I can't let her find out... Atleast not now... not before the Eclipse!

If she wants to know about the Legend or Me, I want her to know me by myself and not by someone else point of views!

So, I quickly reached our secret library following her scent and there I saw her.
Struggling hard to grab the Manuscripts and other Legend books.

This is it!
This is the moment, where I am feeling like I am walking on the street, naked.... Exposing too much of my heart and mind....and what resides on the inside!

May be this is the moment to let Roshni start to know about me!

Taking a silent breath, I walked up to her and as if sensing my presence, she kind of lost her balance and scooted to the end of the racks.

Guess, she is frightened again!

Without beating around the bush, I asked her -
What are you finding here?

But I did not get any answers!

Instead, this girl was looking so frightened. She was as still as a statue but I know there was a storm inside her pretty little Brain.

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