Treatise 28

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Hello Readers and my dear Friends!

Oh, can you all believe it it's already December!
Now, Back with another chapter.
Say yes if you liked the chapter.!

4th December 2020

"They Are Not Monsters"

Roshni's pov

My eyes fluttered open when a cool breeze hit my skin.
I sighed hearing the chirping of the birds from their nestle.
And like everyday, I walked upto the tall window, I looked out at the Himalayas, my Home!

To tell you the truth there is not much settlements apart from the Singha castle and a few villas around me. Yet despite the absence of our regular village scenes, I find a strange peacefulness here. The Extreme climate that surrounds us puts huge strains on those living here but it is commendable that even after facing such difficulties how these jungle creatures, or say the Prides stand for each other.
They always work for each other... It's like... One for All....and All for One!
And I strongly feel that they have been blessed by the mother Nature and goddess Parvati to survive the hardships.
The Goddess has provided many minerals and natural resources to nurture themselves. Like river Ganges and these tall rocks to protect them from any attacks.
If Ganges is their mother, Himalayas is the father to these Prides. One nurtures and nourishes, the other provides and protects.
And these Prides, In return serve mankind and the valley.
It's all a full Circle.!
The Himalayas are a holy land, dotted with sacred lakes, divine peaks and blue glaciers that gleam and soar and provides for all of us. And I am blessed to become a part of this.

When I was forcibly brought here, I was too gloomy to see the blessings around me but now after spending some time here, I feel may be all of this is not that bad.

These people have welcomed me with open hearts no matter how distant I behaved.
There is no denial that Adhikshit and his family has been kind to me too.
Yes, they had been persuasive most of the times but if you think from their point of view, they just want to survive and keep themselves and the valley safe from any possible danger.

They know that they need me..more like my powers!
But that's not the only reason, why they want me to stay....they want me to stay for their Legend Singha!
They care for him so much!
But deep down, I know Adhikshit deserves all this love & care!

And I would say, staying here won't be that bad after all!

May be I should give this a chance!

Yes, recently my Heart and my Brain have been giving me hopes that may be I can survive this... May be I can work along with these people... Creatures... No... People... Oh whatever!

And not to forget what happened yesterday.... Aadarsh Bhai!
I think there is more to my existence.
And what grand ma said suggests that me being the chosen one is indeed right.

And I have a certain responsibilities towards the Prides.
Many warriors have sacrificed their lives against the Nandinghas and their sacrifices should not go waste.

So, I had decided I will give this a chance!

And what about Adhikshit?? - asked my inner voice

What about him? - the other voice asked

Don't deny the facts Roshni!
You know he is your chosen partner!
Also, don't say that you are not attracted to him! - the first one said

And I blushed! I felt my cheeks warming up against the cold weather.

Yes, things have been changing... I... I.... Am beginning to know more about him.....and he seems a nice guy! - replied the other one

So, what are you waiting for?
You should mate with him! - spoke the first one

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