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I am first posting this A.U. on Instagram and then will edit and post it here.
You should expect short and not long versions for the very same reason.
Unless I decide to go over the story to make it more refined.
Thank you.

All characters belong to the manga and anime series Haikyuu!!

I swear to the Lords there is going to be the least possible amount of angst in this story.
Obviously like most Haikyuu! fan-fictions, basically everybody is part of the LGBTQ+ community and have crushes or are already in a relationship with another volleyball player or manager.
A hope you enjoy this and not feel loved revolted by a few rare pairs.

A few guidelines:
‌ Since I love Tsukishima, he will be the main focus of the story
‌ This story might make you a tiny bit angry because Yamaguchi and Yachi are not the best people.
‌ Like normal people do, a lot of the characters have mental health issues
‌ Otherwise everybody will mostly be happy and it will end in way that might not be satisfying for everyone.

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