Chapter 5

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Sugawara POV

So that happened.
Tsukishima did bring the booze like I asked him to. He looks the most like an adult and lives closer to the shop than us.
Wait a minute.
Am I a bad mother?
Taking away my child's booze after his crush chose a different person.
No Suga, he is sixteen.

I look over to the culprits of Kiyoko-san's sadness.
They looked to sad for a cute ass couple who just got together. Only the ones who should be the most sad were the ones who had just congratulated them.
I go over to my most innocent and cute children and bonk them in the head once and congratulate them.
They obviously looked confused but smiled sadly which made me less and less angry at them.

Nishinoya POV

This is not right.
This should not have happened.
What the hec-
Suga has pulled me back into the circle and Ennoshita said that we should just continue.
Tanaka looked at me a bit conflicted but stayed put anyways.
Asahi sat down beside me and gave me a smile.

I swear to you that I saw a white light come from behind him and heard angels sing.
Daichi shook me while laughing hysterically telling me that Yamaguchi has asked me to chose between truth or dare.
" Ugh. Dare obviously. Without doubt. "
" Okay. Let me think. "
Suga-san whispered something in his ear and smiled like I usually do when... Oh my Asahi....

" Nishinoya senpai, I dare you to go sit on that person's lap who you would trust with your life. "
After giving Suga-san a look that he usually give me or Tanaka when we do unmentionable mischief.
I get up and look over to Tanaka but Ennoshita's eyes were the scariest thing that existed in the entire room.
The next or rather my first option was Asahi-san, the ace, the Lord sent Jesus that I had developed a mild crush on in the two years that I knew him....

I slowly made my ways to right beside me and sat down to his lap.
Is this how Christians get baptized?
I heard a snort from Kinnoshita who was also wheezing.
I think I heard him say that we were matching. I turn over to Asahi to see that he was blushing hard which made me blush more which made him blush more which made him blush which made... You get it.

I got off His lap and heard people leaving saying something about alcohol and this was the first time that I was not interested there.
Asahi was behaving like himself stuttering and stuff and I could not take it anymore.
" I like you. " I stated.
" I like you too. " He said after taking a deep breath.
We nod at each other and leave to find the others.

Asahi POV

I have no idea what that was but it felt so damn liberating.
Yuu looked so cute when he looked back at me.
Whilst lost in my thoughts, I bumped into something. It was Yachi. She screamed and jumped on the new boyfriend. It was cute but I apologized profusely after realising what had happened.

I leave to look for the couple, but not really, that I usually third wheel with for help with Yuu and find them in the kitchen.
Just as I was about to approach them, they downed a shot and Suga took Swamura's hand and dragged him away.
So that happened.
I don't know what to do.
I poured a shot for myself for I needed courage cause I was about to do something that I cannot do sober.

Nishinoya came towards me with the couple that he usually third wheels with and asked me to pour everyone a shot.
I did so and everybody gulped it down on Tanaka's third count.
I turned to Noya.This was it.I was going to ask him out on a date.Yes.
" Will you go on a date with me? "
" Will you go out with me? "
We smiled, nodded at each other left in opposite directions.
What is wrong with us?

Nishinoya POV

What is the wrong with us?
This is the second time that literally the same thing has happened.
I see him bidding everybody goodbye because he was leaving.
Tanaka and Chiraka are this close to making out so maybe I too should leave.
I do live 3 doors so maybe I can go after downing a few more shots, right?

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