Chapter 7

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Akaashi :
So, how did it go?

Tsukishima :

How did what go?

Kenma :
Stop acting dumb Kei.

Tsukishima :

Who is Kei?

Akaashi :
Tsukishima Kei, you better quickly spill the tea, or else...

Tsukishima :

Or else what?

Akaashi :
I will ask Bokuto-san to spam message you .
Kenma :
Kuroo can help too.

Tsukishima :

I will tell. Please don't tell them to do that.


They were kissing each other.

For a long time.

Kiyoko-san cried.

I assured her that they will break up soon. Probably even before our practice matches.

Akaashi :
How did you know that?
Kenma :
Are you sure about that?

Tsukishima :

Yes. I am pretty sure. I have experience judging my mother and brother's partners.

Akaashi :
So that is good, right?
Kenma :
I send virtual head pats to make you feel better.

Tsukishima :

You could send me virtual diamonds on Minecraft.

Kenma :
Akaashi :
Well, are you going to be okay?

Tsukishima :

Why won't I be? I believe I am relatively emotionally mature.

Akaashi :
Don't cry too much. You will drain all your salt and won't have a personality anymore.

Tsukishima :

Nice words to say to a person who just got rejected.

Kenma :
But you cannot blame us if we are unable to imagine you crying

Tsukishima :

Tru dat. I will attempt sulking at most.

Honestly, my hopes of getting together with Yamaguchi started dying after day 30. So, I had plentiful time to get over him.

Akaashi :
Take care of yourself and eat ice cream.
Kenma :

Tsukishima :

Thanks, guys.

Sugawara POV

I don't remember much from the night before but I woke up with me snuggled with Daichi.
Was I extremely surprised?
Was I extremely excited too?
Shit. I think he is waking up.

Daichi POV

Ugh. My head hurts. I try to open my eyes but it is too bright.
I just snuggle into Suga more.
I jump off the bed and blushed furiously. If you can do that.

Sugawara POV
That kinda hurt. Then I saw him blushing and felt a bit relieved.
" I don't think we can not just address this at all, Daichi. " I look innocently at him.
" You are right. " He huffs and sits down next to me.
" Suga. You are really pretty and smart and kind. I like you a lot and I want to date you. Even though you already are the mom and I am the dad which means we are already marr- "

I cut him off, " Yes. I too like you a lot and want to date you. I accept your gracious offer. "
He looked as if he did not expect me to say yes. I mean I basically asked him to ask me.

Daichi POV
" Are you sure about that? "
" Why wouldn't I be? "
" I mean. Won't your parents mind? "
A look of realization dawned upon his face.
" Shit, " he paused, " you know what? I don't care. I will rebel against them. There is anyways extremely low chances that they will find out. Last I saw them was six months ago. "

I pulled him into a hug. I knew that this was a touchy subject for him. I ask him again if he was sure and he slowly nodded.
I smiled and gave him a small kiss on the top of his head.
" Were my parents the only thing that stopped you from asking me out before?"
" Yes. "
" You are such a boke. "

Tsukishima POV
I took the advice of my senpais and bought ice cream for myself.
Chocolate. Can't go wrong with chocolate.
I reach home to see my brother being playfully choked by my mother's boyfriend.
They were laughing so hard that they did not notice me enter and I took this opportunity to slip away to my room.

I keep the ice cream aside and fall on my bed like they do in movies.
Not as satisfying as it looks.
I start eating it. It is nice. 
The ice cream, not the sad feelings.
I have never seen that gray patch on the ceiling.
An hour passes by. That took more time than I thought it would.

I want to go swim. Will the pool be open?
No Tsukishima, you don't want a cold now.
The heck! Why am I bored? Should I play video games and go to sleep?
That does sound good enough.
Replay League of legends or halo?
* Knocks are heard on the door *
" Who is it? "

" It is your brother. You know you should at least announce that you are home. I saw your shoes and only then we knew. "
" Oh! Cool. "
" That is all you have to say? Forget it. How was the party? "
" How did you find out about it? "
" I have my sources. "
" Was it the guy from the drugstore? "
" How did you know? "
" Why do you still hang out with them? "

" We just met only he street. Chill. You still haven't answered. How was the party? "
" I wouldn't know. I was barely there for ten minutes. "
" Why? "
" Long story. It would be awkward if I stayed. "
" I am your brother. You can talk to me about this. "
" Sure. "

" Don't be so dismissive of it. We care about you. "
" I know. "
" Well we are- are you playing halo? "
" I haven't de- "
" Let me get my controller. "
" No. "
" I did not ask. "
While setting up I see a message from Yamaguchi. Aaagh. I will see it later.

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