Chapter 8

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Yamaguchi POV

He hasn't even seen the message yet. Is he purposely ignoring me?
Is he angry with my decision? He did congratulate us though.
Yachi broke my train of thought when she hugged me tightly. I was walking her home.
" Bye. I will see you tomorrow. "
" Bye. Take care of yourself, reach home safely. "

" I will don't worry. "
I leave before I encounter her mother. She is one scary lady.
My mind goes blank till I reach home. Only when I see my father looking at me weird, I break out of my trance.
I tell him that I finally have a girlfriend and he smiled and said that he was happy for me.
My mother still thinks that it is too early for me to date.

I am not listening to a lady who got married at thirty.
I text Yachi, wait, I mean my girlfriend, to see if she is still awake.
She replies almost immediately.

Yamaguchi :
Hey you awake?

Yachi :

Yeah. I assume you reached home safely.

Yamaguchi :
Yes I did.

Yachi :


Yamaguchi :

Yachi :


Yamaguchi :
No what?

Yachi :

I don't know

Yamaguchi :
How are things still awkward? We are literally texting.

Yachi :

That is exactly what I don't know.

Yamaguchi :
You texted Kiyoko-san, didn't you? Did she reply?

Yachi :

Yes. Why are you asking me this?

Yamaguchi :
That's cause Tsukki hasn't even seen my text.He isn't ignoring me, is he?

Yachi :

Tsukishima is kind of petty.

Yamaguchi :
He wouldn't ignore me though.

Yachi :

Why are you so worried? I am pretty sure he can look out for himself.

Yamaguchi :
You are probably right.

Yachi :

You should go to sleep now. You said you are going to take me on a early morning date.

Yamaguchi :
Yes mam. I am excited for that. Good night.

Yachi :

Good night.

Tsukishima POV

I never thought that I would admit that I had fun spending time with my brother.
We stayed up late so I thought I deserved more sleep especially after getting brutally rejected. I even cancelled the alarm.
Still here I am awake at 5:30 in the morning getting ready to go to the pool.
Wait. I am forgetting something.

Yamaguchi's text.
I open my phone to see it.
Yamaguchi :
I am so sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you reach home safely.

Tsukishima :

Sorry I was busy earlier. I did reach home safely yesterday.

I quickly left after that.

Today, I can stay in the pool as long as I wish to.
No school.
No volleyball practice.
No annoying people.
Sounds amazing.
I see the water through the windows as I go around the building to get to the entrance.

Its stillness causes it to look like glass inviting me to dive into it and shatter it to pieces.
I eagerly run to the changing rooms. The noise of my footsteps echo as I climb onto the second level of the diving  tower.
I will start of with an armstand dive like I always do.
I pike and take off. I can feel the air and I wait for the impending impact.

I break the surface of the water. I am sure of the ripples that must be radiating from the spot I dove into the water. I again break through the surface and continue swimming to the other side of the pool.
I am the most comfortable with the butterfly stroke. I rarely use breast stroke, back stroke or even freestyle.
My mother says that I am too satisfied by staying in my comfort zone.

Is that so bad?
I don't know why that one statement irks me so much.
This is why I come to swim.
A mindless activity that saves me from over thinking each and every miniscule thing.
It was after a swimming session that I could gather the courage to talk to Yamaguchi about my feelings.

I fell the water being propelled backwardcs as I push myself ahead using my arms. This is the best feeling in the world for me.
I lose the count of the number of laps I have done.
I start to feel my body getting tired and decide that I should leave before people start coming.
It is a Sunday after all.

Yachi POV

I was not able to sleep at all.
I am too excited.
He already told what he has planned. He essentially wants to take me on a hike and he will also be bringing breakfast.
The weather is perfect for an outing too.
* Bell rings *
It's him. He is here.
I open the door and there he is.

I stand on my toes to give him a kiss on the cheeks but he is too tall.
Kiyoko-san has the perfect height for that. Why am I thinking about her?
He smiles a bit and leans down to give me a kiss and I reciprocate.
He grabs my hand and leads me out of the apartment complex and we start to head towards the trail.
On our ways we even spot Tsukishima rushing somewhere.

Tadashi quickly checks his phone and smiled.
" Did he respond to your text? "
" Yes. He was apparently busy. "
We reach the trail and make our way up the hill. It is so beautiful and I don't want this to end.
We start to eat and talk about random instances that happened with us.
Almost all his stories include Tsukishima. I guess they were really close.

Yamaguchi POV

Yachi does not tell me much about her past. She is only sharing recent stories about Kiyoko-san or her classmates.
When I asked her about that, obviously excluding the part about her potential girlfriend, she said she did not have many friends when she was younger as she was home schooled.
" Oh! " , was the brilliant answer that I gave.

The rest of the date went pretty smoothly  except that there were still a few moments that felt awkward as both of us were not accustomed to the intimate part of our relationship.
I still am not used to the idea of planning dates.
How the heck am I supposed to outdo myself every time‽

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