Chapter 17

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Daichi POV
I alone with Ennoshita were busy booking the transportation and tickets to the carnival while the rest were causing a mayhem.
Suga included.
I expected better.
When it time to leave, I noticed that the shirt he was wearing was mine. It was very generic so it could be his, but, Suga does not do generic.

I look at him suspiciously and he just smiles innocently at me.
I want to pull him in a hug but I can't and I hate it.
This is going to be the entire evening.
Trying to look like we are just friends.
I am so going to hate it.
" You know we can just stay away from the children and it will be fine. "
" Suga, your parents are in Tokyo. You are kidding me, right? "

" So what? They are not going to be at the carnival even by mistake. Their romance died with my birth. Maybe even before. "
Noya come running out the dorms screaming at the top of his lungs.
Tanaka is running behind him with a rose.
I do not even want to know what the heck was happening.
Hinata and Kageyama come into the common area and sit on the sofa like good children.

" Learn to be on time like them. " I taunt Asahi as he come five minutes after everyone arrived.
Tsukishima did not even wait for the briefing about being safe.
Both Suga and I trust him enough.
We leave for the carnival and I am already exhausted by the amount of noise they made.
I hope they don't lose themselves.
I happily put my arm around Suga and we leave.

Ennoshita POV
I swear to god if He does not give strength to his own child to finally not be so awkward around the guy he is dating, then I will take back all the faith I put in Him.
" Just remember all the things I told you and you will be good to go. "
" I will try my best. " He says shakily.
" I don't care of you try your best, I want results. "

" What if he declines to be my boyfriend when I ask him? "
" Respect his decision and that does not mean that you are going to stop dating, it just means that he is not ready to be in a relationship now. "
" Okay. So, games, rides, food then question. "
" Yes. I believe in you. "
I go to my boyfriend who had just finished giving our guardian angel a pep talk.

" Hey baby. " He whispered as he grabbed my waist and pulled my side to his front and placed his head on my shoulder.
" Hey. "
" Do you think they will be fine? "
" To be completely honest, I have no    idea. "
" Why are we the only functional couple in the group? "
" Again, to be completely honest, I have no idea. "

Asahi POV

I can do this.
Fake it till I make it.
" Come on Noya. I saw a dart game over there. I bet you can't hit even an eight. "
He dragged me there and we some how managed to not be awkward considering our previous conversations.

Yamaguchi POV
Yachi and I are going to the carnival like the others.
I want to make it as romantic as possible.
We have already been on the rides then eaten. We were waiting in the line for the Ferris wheel.
We were talking and I could see that she was getting impatient because of the line and I just hugged her and asked her to wait a little bit more.

" You know when Kiyoko-san and I went to the fair a week ago we went to the Ferris wheel first because it would be more empty. She is so thoughtful, isn't she? We ate and then won so many games for the group's bet still we did not win. Ooo-oo. We also took a walk in the park afterwards which was so nice. The weather was cool and breezy. She also told me then that I could call her Shimizu. Her name is so pretty too. "

She kept talking about her for some time till it was finally our chance.
She smiled and got on with my help.
" The sun was setting when we went so we could see the sky's gradient and stars towards the west. "
" Was the Ferris wheel this big though? "
" No, but it was still very pretty. "
Why do I feel like I have to one up Kiyoko-san every time?
She always takes my girlfriend on better dates.

Once the ride was over, I used the distraction of the street performers to look up nice ice cream shops around.
There was a retro themed one nearby and I decided to take Yachi there.
We quickly went before our senpais notice us.
I also had to rush her a little bit because the time was running out. We had to meet them in ten minutes.
She was grumbling a bit but did not want to be scolded either.

Would it be rude to think that I am getting tired of her talking about Kiyoko-san.
She even commented about what ice cream flavour she would get.
We reached the meeting point and most of the people were already there.
Kiyoko-san and the other managers were yet to come.
I was enjoying having ice cream with Yachi when she ran towards somebody else.

That is how I found out that the people we were waiting for had come.
She was gushing about our date to her.
Technically it was not even over yet.
The worse thing was that I know that she enjoyed being with Kiyoko-san much more than being with me.
I have to do it now, won't I.
It is better that way, right?
I hate this. I should have known this was the wrong decision.

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