Chapter 12

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Akaashi POV

I am just gonna come out, and tell him, I like him.
I know especially that this is going to be extremely risky considering the time that I am doing it.
But who cares?
It can either affect our performance in the matches or I will feel elated for the rest of my life. I am still scared.

Bokuto POV

I am excited for tomorrow.
Karasuno, Nekoma and our teams are going to have so much fun.
We are currently discussing strategies with the coach.
We will be leaving early in the morning tomorrow so we were allowed to go home without extended practice like we usually do.
" You are dismissed now and don't be late tomorrow. "

The coach left and we did not have to clean up because we basically did not practice.
The rest of the third years and Akaashi were waiting for me so that we could leave for the station.
I caught up to them and we left the gym after I locked it up.
~time skip to when Akaashi and Bokuto are alone~

" Bokuto-san, I wanted to tell you something. "
" Go ahead Akaashi. "
" Okay. Here it goes. I like you Bokuto-san. "
He what.No.
He doesn't.
I need to think.
I need to go home.

Akaashi POV

He said no and left.
That hurt.
I don't know what to do.
Should I go home. Yes.
I text Kei and Kenma.
Kenma replies immediately telling me not to panic.
But how can I not worry.
It might jeopardize the matches tomorrow.

Daichi POV

We did not have practice today instead it was mostly reviewing how the other teams play.
We could use this to our advantage.
We have to assemble here at around 3 am so that we reach Tokyo on time.
We ushered everybody back home so that Suga and I could lock up and leave for dinner.

Suga POV

We reach my house to see our mothers cooking in the kitchen and our fathers talking to each other in the living room and not helping them out.
I quietly commented on this and dragged Daichi to my room so that we could keep our bags there.
We went down and started helping our mothers to cook the food.

As soon as we were done, we set the table and called out to the lazy parents to come eat.
I sat beside Daichi who slipped his hand on my thigh. I had to suppress the urge to swat his hand off so that our parents would not notice.
The started asking us about our academics and our volleyball team in general.

Daichi answered most of the questions and I input my thoughts where ever necessary.
Then suddenly his father asked him whether he was dating anyone.
This took him by surprise and choked on his food.
" You were very close to Michimiya, did something happen? "
" No. Nothing at all. "

" She seems like a nice girl. "
" Yea. Sure. "
" So... "
" Mom. No. "
" But- "
" No. " My boyfriend sternly stated.
I was kinda proud.
They kept pestering him, even my parents joined in. He smartly then diverted the attention onto me.

" Why don't y'all ask Suga whether he is dating someone? "
" Yes, Suga are you dating someone? " Daichi's mother asked.
" No. I am not. "
My mother said, " He does not seem the type to be dating someone this early anyways. "
Daichi hated it more than me when my mother did this.

I tried to calm him down by discreetly holding his hand. I did not want him to say something irrational.
My father came to my rescue and asked my mother to stop talking like that.
She got up. I know that she was going to make a scene and I pulled Daichi away to my room.
We had finished eating so it would not matter.

He was staying over because I wanted to leave together for tomorrow and I thank Asahi that I made that decision.
I sat on my bed and my boyfriend squatted down in front of me.
" She always does this. She thinks that because her mother treated her like this, I too should be undergoing the same treatment. "
He put his arms around me and kissed me on my forehead. It helped in lowering both our tempers.

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