Chapter 2

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Tsukishima POV

I love the water. I love swimming. It in a way reminds me of the control I have on my body.
I claim it as my thing that no one in my family owns.
Something that my family cannot shove their tradition into.

I get out of the public pool that was completely empty because it was still 5:30 in the morning.
People from the VBC, at least the first years, keep telling me that I should wake up early and come to practice with them. What would I voluntarily do that? It is not like it is going to teach me something new?

I hate breaking promises. Ones that I especially made to myself.
I had promised myself that I would give Tadashi at most 50 days.
Yet 3 days ago, I gave him a 5 day extension.
Was that a desperate thing to do?
I don't care anymore.
Just focus on getting ready and going to school.

Sugawara-san is hosting a party for some reason that I do not remember.
I have now come to terms to the fact that Yamaguchi is going to end up dragging me there because that is what he has always done.
He already gave me a look that said, "Fite me, bitch."
A party hosted by Sugawara-san might not be that bad hoping that neither Tanaka-san or Nishinoya-san take over.

Nishinoya POV

Now that KageHina sorted it out, ( to deny the existence of their attraction to each other because it would affect the team and they don't even want to like each other. Just because. ) the sexual tension in the gym has reduced greatly. There are still a few of them to get together. *Cough* Daisuga *cough* and two more. Them being obviously TsukiYama and YaKiyo but for some reason they acknowledge it but not take any actions.

During practice, Yachi and Kiyoko being awkward did not interfere much.
Yamaguchi and Tsukishima though is a different story.
Yamaguchi was a mess around Tsukishima and Yachi, meaning in as well as out of the court.

Tsukishima is Tsukishima. We never know what he is feeling.

I do feel bad for Yamaguchi though as he and his Tsukki have stopped hanging out much and he seemed lonely during lunch so Tanaka and our friends have taken him under us.
Daichi did not like that but who cares.

Surprisingly Tsukishima has made new friends and started to hang out with them. I think they are from the swim club.
This matter is to be investigated further.

The most important matter on hand is how to make Suga-senpai's party lit.
Tanaka and I are doing an amazing job until Ennoshita butts in.
Tanaka being the love sick puppy that he is happily agrees with his baby.
I feel betrayed. What about me? Huh, Tanaka, you traitor. Whatever happened to bros before hoes - not that Enno is a hoe- but still, man.

Sugawara POV

I am hosting a party.
Not that it has been cleared, I will tell you the deets.
It will be on this Friday evening.

I hate myself for this but, it will be a typical American teenager party with alcohol and dirty games.
I have researched extensively on American culture. More like remember what was shoved down my throat.
I want to see my children happy and not part-take in angst.

That does not apply to Daichi or me.
You may ask.
The answer is because.
Let the couple making commence.

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