Chapter 13

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Daichi POV

My mother barged into the room to check up on us before they left.
She apologized to Suga for his mother's behaviour saying that she was only now letting out the pent up things that she should have let out before.
She left telling me to take care of him and winked at me.
What was that supposed to mean?

Tsukishima POV

The guy made me stay for three hours.
That is borderline torture.
My limbs were wrinkled like an old man by the time I came out of the pool.
I am happy that I don't have to go back in for the next two days.
But it will be too much volleyball.
I reach home to see an unnatural number of messages from Kenma and Akaashi-san.

Akaashi :
I done did it.
I confessed.
He said no.
I died.
I hope you pray for my soul to rest in peace.
Kenma :
OMG. Are you ok? Do you want me to come over?
Akaashi :
No. Yes.
Kenma :
Where are you?
Akaashi :
In the park between the station and X street.
Kenma :
I want you to go sit down on a bench and breathe.
Akaashi :
But he does not like me. There is nothing that I can do about it.
Kenma :
I am sure there is a mistake.

Tsukishima :

Yeah. He adores you a lot.

Kenma :
Finally you answer.

Tsukishima :

I had swim practice. Sorry.

Akaashi :
I am so screwed.

Tsukishima :

I am relying on Kenma to comfort you for now. I am going to have a good talk with a couple of people now.

Kenma :
Who are you going to talk to?

Tsukishima :

The man of the subject and his best friend.

Kenma :
You have their number?
Akaashi :
All three of us saved our numbers in his phone when he started practicing with us.
Kenma :
Kei, I feel bad for you.
I am here.
I think.
I don't go out much.
Akaashi :
There is a statue of a horse opposite the entrance.
Kenma :
I see it.
Akaashi :
I am sitting on the seat behind it.

Tsukishima :

Why were both of you in the park?

Akaashi :
We cross park as it is a shorter route to my house. Bokuto-san always dropped me and then went home.
Kenma :
Kei, you made him cry.

Tsukishima :

I am so sorry. I am only good at provoking people. Let me go provoke the ones who need to be.

Sorry Akaashi-san

Kenma :
He says it is okay.

Tsukishima :

What is wrong with your friend?

Kuroo :
I never thought that Tsukishima Kei was the type to text first.

Tsukishima :

I repeat. What so wrong with your friend?

Kuroo :
I have many friends. Which one?

Tsukishima :

You know the who I am talking about.

Kuroo :
Do I?

Tsukishima :

Yes you do.

Kuroo :
Yes, I do.
He called me 15 mins ago and has been muttering and crying since.

Tsukishima :

Why is he the one crying again?

Kuroo :
I dunno. I just reached is house and his mother told me that he hasn't come yet.

Tsukishima :

Wait for him. Find him. IDC. And slap him real hard from the three of us.

Kuroo :
First of all, I was about to text Akaashi on his whereabouts.
Secondly, who three exactly?

Tsukishima :


The three include Akaashi-san, Kenma and me.

Kuroo :
Wait. Wut happened?

Tsukishima :

Typing out what does not take much time.

Kuroo :
OMG. Tell me already.

Tsukishima :

Akaashi-san confessed his feelings to Bokuto-san and he said no and ran.

Kuroo :
But he loves Akaashi, like a lot.

Tsukishima :

Everyone knows that.

Kuroo :
Why did he do that?

Tsukishima :

Exactly what I need you to find out.

Kuroo :
On it.
I think I see him.
I am shaking him but he is not responding.

Tsukishima :

Slap him once.

Kuroo :

Tsukishima :

Punch him.

Kuroo :

Tsukishima :

Light his hair on fire.

Kuroo :

Tsukishima :

Threaten him by saying that you will light his hair on fire.

Kuroo :
That, I can do.

Tsukishima :

What are you waiting for?

Kuroo :
Love me like you do, la la, love me like you do

Tsukishima :


Kuroo :
Too early?

Tsukishima :

Stop delaying!

Kuroo :
Geez. Sorry.

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