Chapter 14

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Day before they leave 3

" Kuroo, I don't know what to do. I- I feel like I will let him down. I think that- I think that that he can do so much better. Right? "
" No. Both of you are perfect for each other. You should not have done whatever you did. "
" But he- "
" Bokuto, he likes you. We all love you. I know that you have always thought thought that you are not enough. We have always told you that you are. Maybe Akaashi can help you believe that. "
" He is so pretty and nice and calm and patient. I am all hyper a-and loud. "
" It is who you are. He might like these things about you. Did you think about talking to him about this? "
"I do not know what to do. "
" Running was he last thing you could have done. It take a lot of courage to confess. You made the person you love sad and two very dangerous people angry. "
" Huh. "
" You have gotta expect the worst possible consequences for your actions."
" Ouch. Why did you hit me? "
" I was ordered by Kei. "
" Megane-kun? "
" Kenma seems to be pissed too. "
" I have done did it, haven't I? "
" What? I seem to be saying that a lot. "
" Keiji got me into saying that. "
" See. Young love. "
" That does not make sense. "
" Shush. "

Kuroo :
He does not the think he is enough for Akaashi.

Tsukishima :

He has self-esteem issues?

Kuroo :
Yeah. Since he was young.

Tsukishima :

I am going to have a talk to h first thing in the morning.

Kuroo :
What are you going to say?

Tsukishima :

Tell him not to talk to Akaashi before that.

Kuroo :
Why am I feeling scared?

Tsukishima :

Just give him the instructions.

Kuroo :
I told him and he looks terrified.

Tsukishima :

He better.

Kuroo :
Don't go to harsh in him.

Tsukishima :

Depends on my mood.

Kuroo :
He is baby.

Tsukishima :

He is not a baby.

He is a giant.

Kuroo :
Says the guy who is 188 cam tall

Tsukishima :

It is 190.1 cm now.

Kuroo :

Tsukishima :

You done? I have to sleep now cause I have to leave in 5 hours.

Kuroo :
Ok. Bye.

Tsukishima :


Nishinoya POV

3 a.m.
Too early to be awake and too early to be asleep.
What is this strange time of the night have been summoned to leave for Tokyo.
It is 2:30 now and I look over to my empty bag lying on the floor. I don't have much time left to pack and reach.

I reluctantly get up from the bed throw in my clothes and leave.
Did I tell my parents that I was supposed to leave?
Shit. I forgot.
" MOM! "
I somehow managed to reach on time without forgetting anything and a slipper mark on my upper arm.

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