Chapter 26

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Tsukishima POV

God, they are awfully quiet.
There is definitely something going on.
Should I say something?
What has thus family come down to when I have to do something to break the tension?
" What is it? " I ask in the most irritated tone ever even though I did not want that to peak through.

The moment I say this, they start to essentially spew nonsense out of their mouths.
" Oh my goodness, chill down. One by one. Please. "
" Fine, me first. When did you become this good at a sport? Why did I not know about this? Three medals in your first event? Three medals? You have friends in Tokyo? Do you understand how scary it is to find out that you barely know anything about your younger brother? "

He finally stops.
Why does he have to sound so much like that person?
I know that he cannot help it.
But, it is scary.
My mother is looking at me from the rear view mirror.
I can feel her eyes on me but I cannot get myself to open my mouth and try to answer my brother's questions.
I keep opening my mouth and closeing it not knowing what to say.

" I am sure you can answer the questions if they are asked one by one. It that okay Kei? "
" Yeah, sure. " I answer.
" Okay.
When did you become this good at swimming?
Probably in the time you spent avoiding us.
When did you make friends from Tokyo?
Probably from camp because one of them was wearing a volleyball jersey.

When are you gonna start spending more time with your brother?
From now on, I want all the details of your life now.
Okay? "
" Now that Akiteru had the conversation by himself, it is my turn. Why did you not look for us? "
" I tri- "
" Which leads to my next question. Who were you surprised to notice? "
" They are my fri- "
" Which leads me to my next question. Whose hand were you holding? "

" He was holding someone's hands? With the amount of things I know about him, I shouldn't be surprised. "
" He is- "
" Your boyfriend, isn't he? Is this how you come out to us? Huh? You are going to tell us everything from the top once we reach home. " My mother interrupted me again.
I just sigh.
Am I adopted?
Akiteru never joked about that.
That further enforces the idea.

Kuroo :
Did you reach safely?
Did you eat?

Tsukishima :

So you are that type of a texter.

Kuroo :
What do you mean that type?

Tsukishima :

You have finally shown your true colours

Kuroo :
What are you talking about babe?
Wait can I call you babe?

You are on first name basis with Akaashi and Kenma.
At least they are.
Should I give you a nick name?

Tsukishima :

Honestly anything is fine besides Tsukki.

Kuroo :
Is it because of that boy.?

Tsukishima :

Ya. It gives me too much of no homo vibes.

Kuroo :
We definitely do not want that.

What about
Pumpkin pie
Creme brulé
Pretty baby boy
Tsukishima Kei, don't leave me on ' seen '
You there?
I am sorry.
I will stick to baby okay?

Tsukishima POV

After the long, quiet drive we reach home.
Swimming makes you sleepy, and all I wanted to do was sleep.
But it seemed like my mother was not having any of it.
She forced me the sit at the dining table and eat.
Then when I was going back to my room she forced me onto the sofa demanding an explanation.

I again, complied and answered.
Then she called Akiteru to sit beside me.
" My children. I love both of you a lot. I don't think I even ask too much from you. All I expected was that both of woul pack everything in your rooms. But do you do it? No. "
" But m- "
" Don't interrupt me, Kei. Respect your elders. Now. By what time is everything going to be packed. Before you say anything I know that it is a week early but things have to be transported too. "

" I don't even have a lot of things here now. " Akiteru butted in.
" Well I am certainly not going to pack your doll collection. "
" They are not dolls! "
" As a punishment, you have to pack Kei's stuff too. He must be tired. Aren't you baby? "
What is up with people calling me baby.
Do I give baby vibes?
I don't want to.
" Unfortunately, I have already packed my belongings. "

" Why didn't you tell me this earlier? "
I don't know how to reply.
I just yawned. I am pretty sure my eyes are red by now.
I stretched and slyly got up and left to go upstairs while the mother and the brother were arguing.
I have never changed my clothes this fast and quite literally crashed on the bed.
I heard a, " Where did he go? ", before I completely fell asleep.

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