Chapter 18

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Tsukishima POV

The matches were today and I did not want to get up.
Kuroo had dropped me till our dorms and gave me a very long hug.
Sadly the pillow did not have enough girth for hug to prolong in my dreams.
Hinata had been asked to head-butt me out of the bed.
First of all, he could not have moved me an inch.

Secondly, I did not want his head touching any part of my clothes.
Nobody would want that once you get a bird's eye view of his hair.
Kageyama pushed me towards the bathroom to get ready.
By the time I get out, everybody left for the gym.
I am happy about that. I could go to the gym at my own pace instead of trying to keep up the others who have no interest in taking in the world around them.

It is like they are so engrossed in their own lives that they do not want to notice anybody, anything around them.
I prefer to take in the birds staring at the leaves falling hinting at the possibility of uncovering their nests.
I prefer to see the blades of grass dancing to the winds' harmony.
Damn. I should be a poet.
As I was happily appreciating my brain, I was pulled into a choke hold by none other than Kuroo.

" Walking alone, are we? Where are the rest? "
" I could ask the same to you. "
" Good point. "
" So, why are you late? "
" Hmmmmm...Umm... "
" A very detailed explanation. I appreciate it. "
We just laughed and continued walking.
It was peaceful for a minute or so until we heard Bokuto-san screaming and running towards Akaashi-san.

Kuroo POV

" I am not even curious as to know what happened. "
" I see all the spikers running towards the setters. Must be a thing. "
Indeed Hinata was all over Kageyama, Lev and Yamamoto were clinging onto poor Kenma, Tanaka was in very close proximity to Suga and Daichi was angrily looking at baldie.
How did he notice all this in a second?

I go to look at him weird but he is gone.
I look around to find him in the corner stretching.
This reminds me of the practice matches which were to start in a few.I was excited.
We have to win against Karasuno.
I don't know why.
I exactly know why.
Is it wrong of me wanting to impress my crush?
No. Absolutely not.

Daichi POV
Our first match was with Nekoma.
I believed in out team.
They all crushed my hopes.
The blockers did relatively well but the spikers, oh the spikers let me down.
It seemed like they could block all our spikes and slams.
Kuroo was especially playing well.
I am kind of ticked off.
But all of them do seem upset except Tsukishima and Hinata.

Tsukishima, well he is who he is.
Hinata, well he was happily talking to their setter.
Well, I have to do something to cheer them up.
Our match with Fukurodani is next.
I have no other option.
I call all the third years around and ask them if it was fine if we declared the party now.
They agreed as it would help cheer their teams up as well.
Then Bokuto screamed for everyone to gather around.

Suga POV

After everyone had their attention on the three captains, Daichi explained, " This is the last training camp for us third years and we wanted to treat our kouhais a little bit, so, there is a party at the Nekoma dorms. "
As soon as he said that everyone was cheering.
Most of the second years along with Lev and Hinata were acting like drunk idiots.

The few sensible ones were laughing at Noya actually tripping by mistake.
I see Akaashi, Kenma and Tsukishima just casually talking to each other.
Surprised, I go over to them only to meet Kuroo and Bokuto halfway about to probably do the same thing as me.
" We already knew. You know you are not the quietest person, right? "

" Kuroo, I sometimes actually listen to what you say. "
He looked touched.
I look at my kouhai for an explanation.
" The three of you forgot that I practiced late. "
That was stupid of us.
Akaashi pulled Tsukishima and whispered something in his ear that made him laugh.
To be honest I don't think I have even seen this boy genuinely smile.

Bokuto POV
We lost the set against Karasuno.
Megane-kun was finally in the zone and ganged up with their middle blockers against all our spikers, even me.
The only good thing to come out of the set was Akaashi hugging me.

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