Chapter 3

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Daichi POV

I love all the players - or like Suga likes to call them, our children - almost equally.
But boi can this be made into a nice romance story.
Yamaguchi has been shaky and unconfident for the past couple of days.

Tsukishima and I talked about this and agreed that Tsukki should be nowhere near Yamaguchi as he practices.
This resulted in a schedule where all serves were practiced first and Tsukishima came in a bit late and the practice continued.
He started staying back late to practice his serves. Even Hinata and Kageyama leave before him.

Asahi and Tanaka just came to me and  have both raised their worries that during a match, we won't be able to function as Tsukishima is in the starting line up.
I call Tsukishima over to discuss it with him first considering that he may be able to come up with a solution and Yamaguchi is low-key scared of Asahi.

We have the court to ourselves as the others have left and Tsukki is staying back.
We beckon him over.

Daichi POV

" Is is about the upcoming matches? "
" Can you- "
" No I cannot read minds. "
" Your words contradict his notion. " Asahi interjects.
I interfere in this strange conversation, " What are we going to do exactly? "

" Don't worry about it. The matches are two weeks away and this situation should dissolve within that time. "
" Are you sure? " Tanaka says pointedly.
" Yes. His fifty days will be up by then. If he still behaves in such a fashion then only the Gods can help him figure out his emotions. "
" Then why don't we get Asahi to talk with him now. "

After bonking Tanaka on the head we decide to take our leave.
Tsukishima suddenly asks me if he could talk to me.
I tell the others to go ahead and wait for me.
" Daichi-san I was wondering whether I could also be part of the swim club? "
I was a bit surprised at this and did not know what to say.

He continued, " I know that it was out of nowhere but the time I have to wait before joining practice is the same amount of time they practice right after school and it is a good warm up. I swear that I will put volleyball practice before this. "
" Well as long as it does not interfere, I guess I have no objection. But the moment it does, you will have to stop, okay? "
" Yes. Thank you. "

I leave and close the court doors as cold winds are blowing right now.
" What were you guys talking about? "
" He wanted to join the swim club, now that his timing can accommodate both the club practices. "
I don't know why I have this feeling that talks with Tsukishima are why more productive and meaningful that all the gibberish that the others converse.

Tsukishima POV

I had just finished my morning swimming session.
I bump into the swim club on my way to volleyball practice as they are getting into the pool.
" Hey! Did you have a talk with Daichi? "
" Yes. I did. He said he is fine with it as long as I prioritize volleyball over swimming. "

" Finally we will have a butterfly swimmer and diver in our team. At least in my last year we will be able to participate in the relays. "
The swim club captain says.
I give him a nod and continue my way to morning practice.
I hope Yamaguchi will finally behave cool now. He is definitely being lame and I will need to talk to him.

Speaking of lame, we will have a few practice matches in Tokyo with Kuroo-san and Bokuto-san's teams. They are sometimes too over the top.
I remember all the third years mumbling something about a get-together they might throw to treat their kouhais.
I hope it is not on the same day as my swim meet.

I receive a notification on my phone. I check it only for my previous suspicion to come true. Akaashi-san and Kenma-san heard their third years discuss similar things.
We became friends.
Don't ask how.
We don't know how either.
I really need to think how to talk to Yamaguchi without freaking him out.

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