Chapter 29

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So I wanted to clear a few things out, relating to the timeline.

It is after the nationals that they had a camp before their last semester ended.

Now their school has officially ended and this summer break has begun.

Now back to the story.


Recap : It was Sugawara's parent's anniversary and the Suga and Daichi were out on a date. His drunk mother had tracked where Suga was and followed him here with her husband.


Daichi POV

I swear I could just stay here forever and keep looking at the stars with him.
He looks so peaceful with his head on my shoulder as he sleeps happily and my shoulder cramps.
Apart from being the most pretty and handsome person I know he is also just so fun to hang out with.

But is getting quite late and I should be dropping him home now.
I don't want him keep him out late knowing how his mother can be sometimes.
I quietly pick him up and put him the passenger seat and pull the seat belt over him.
Safety first.

Since it is already quite late it is not noisy enough to disturb him in his sleep.

As I am pulling upto his house, the first thing I notice that his father's car is not here.
I shouldn't think much of it.

I go over to his side of the car door, open it and squat down to the level of the seat.
I take a few pictures and only then wake him up.
I would have not done so, but I know he wants to keep us an secret for now so I don't want anyone to question anything.

He rubs his eyes in the cutest way possible.

"Where are we?"
"We are at your house."
"You fell asleep so I thought that I should drop you home."
"Why do you look so sad, baby?"
"I don't wanna go home."
"Baby, don't say that."
"I don't wanna see her." He said as he slight moved his head so it was resting on my shoulder.

I know that he probably doesn't realise what he is doing right now since he is sleepy.

"Don't make me pick you up and tuck you into your bed in front of your parents."

That woke him up right away.
Almost hitting his head on the car he gave me the quickest peck on the cheek and ran towards the door.
From what I saw his mother let him in as he was fumbling with the keys.

I smiled and stayed till he went in.
My mother raised a gentleman.

Just as I am pulling of the driveway, I hear screaming.
I don't know what to do.
Should I go check up on them?
Wait was that glass shattering?

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I put the gear on park, pull the keys out and rush towards the door.
I ring the bell a couple of times.
Nobody answers.
I keep knocking knowing that neither of them could be asleep by now.

Still there is no answer.
I call his phone.
I can hear it go off so it must be close by.

Should I leave?
No. I can't.
I'll just leave when I make sure he is fine.
I keep knocking.

He always said that his mother had no control over herself when she is drunk.

Don't think like that.
Don't think like that.

"I won't leave till I find out that he is fine. " I scream.

I hear footsteps approaching the door.
The door slowly creaks open.
Suga opened it.
I see tears running down his face.

I froze.
I wanted to pull him close to me but my body refused to move.

He looked scared.

"Is everything okay?"
"Y- yes. Um- mm yep." He nods a little.
It looks like he is trying to convince himself.
"It definitely isn't. You-"

He runs towards me.
I see a hand project towards him from behind the door.

I put myself between it and my boyfriend.
I signal him to slowly move towards my car.
We are almost halfway through when the door is completely pulled back to reveal his mother.

"Where are you going?"

He is about to answer when I ask him to stay silent.
I see her coming towards us and I push him inside the car and rush towards my seat.

I speed towards my house.
Thankfully it was quite close.

He burries his face in his hands.
I start rubbing my hand on his back hoping that it would help him calm down.

"I- I just wanted to- to go and-"
"It is okay. You don't have to explain anything now. First calm down yeah."

He timidly nods.
I quickly glance at him to see his face was completely flushed red.
He was still trembling and I honestly just wanted to comfort him.

I was able to distinguish my house from the rest because the lights were turned on for some reason.
My parents hated staying up late.

"That is my dad's car."
"What is it doing here?"
"I don't know. Well, I probably do but I don't want to a-assume." Suga says.

"Shh. You are safe now."

Well we will have to see what happens now, don't we?


Well this is more normally written as compared to my previous chapters.

Should I make them longer?

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